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[모터쇼]Seoul Motor Show

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학원에서 영국애들을 재치고 가장 높은 점수를 받는 레포트 입니다.
모터쇼와 전시산업에 관심있는 분들께 좋은 영문 자료가 될 것입니다.




Products: What were major challenges at the show? Which of products or services attracted the most attention?
Place: What happened at the venue that the organisation did not expect and were not prepared for?
Promotion: What response at-show promotion got and what improvement could be made in the future?
Price: Was the entrance fee set at the right level? What value did attendees gain from the show?




Event evaluation is a process of measuring and assessing an event throughout the event management cycle. It provides feedback that contributes to the planning and improvement of individual events and to the pool of knowledge of the events industry (Allen et al, 2005). In addition, Goldblatt (2002) says, “Event evaluation is the link to the next event.” Therefore, the event evaluation and implementation re the essential parts of the event management process to tidy up loose ends and apply lessons learned from the following event.
The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the existing research literature within the field of study of conference business skills, and giving explanations and definitions of the key concepts and processes, which relate to the implementation and evaluation stages of the event. In addition, it analyses and discusses the case study, the Seoul Motor Show 2005 in Seoul, Korea, and implements and evaluates their destination selection, marketing approach, and suppliers’ contact. Following this introduction, the main body of the paper is presented in four major sections. The first section evaluates the site selection for the Seoul Motor Show, the following section estimates the marketing of the show, and the third section assesses the suppliers connection of the event organisers. The report ends by proposing recommendations by the authors, which can help the Seoul Motor Show adapt more successfully to future exhibitions.

참고 자료

Allen, J. (2002) Event Planning. Sydney: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Allen, J., O`Toole, W., McDonnell, I. and Harris, R. (2005) Festival and Special Event Management. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Bowdin, G., McDonnell. I., Allen, J. and O’Toole, W. (2001) Event Management.
Butterworth Heinemann.

Davidson, R. (2003) EIBTM. Social & Political Trends. October.

Davidson, R. and Cope, B. (2003) Business Travel: Conferences, Incentive Travel, Exhibitions, Corporate Hospitality and Corporate Travel. London: Pearson Education.

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[모터쇼]Seoul Motor Show
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