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(영문) Walmart in Japan (일본의 월마트 사례 분석)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
31페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


월마트가 일본에 진출했던 사례에 대해 분석한 자료입니다. 글로벌 경영 전략 수업에서 리포트로 작성한 내용이고, 일본에 진출했던 월마트의 실패 원인에 대해 분석하고 그에 대한 대안을 제시했습니다. 더불어 최근의 상황에 대해서도 업데이트를 해놓았습니다.


1. Executive summary
2. Company information
3. Recognizing Symptoms
4. Identifying goals
5. External and Internal analysis
6. Making the Diagnosis
7. Doing the Action Planning
8. Follow up
9. Conclusion
10. References


1. Executive summary
In 2002, Seiyu, an Japanese big retailer chain, was thrown a lifeline in the form of capital investment from Wal-Mart. After some years of financial trouble, a tie-up with the biggest retailer in the world must have seemed like a windfall. Indeed, looking at media reports from the time, there were many voices urging caution but predicting that with the right moves, Wal-Mart and Seiyu could make money in Japan. However, looking at its actions over the next few years, it is far less that a success.

Japan and the United States are very different places. Japanese shoppers behave differently, have different preferences for goods, and have different attitudes about what they want from a retailer than their American counterparts. For the Japanese consumer, price is not the sole determinant of value, fresh fish is as important as bulk toilet paper, and packaging is nearly as important as product.

참고 자료

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Walmart official website, http://corporate.walmart.com (2013)
Seiyu company profile, http://www.seiyu.co.jp/company/english/outline.php (2013)
“Why Wal-Mart can’t find happiness in Japan”, W. J. Holstein, Fortune (2007)
“Why foreign retailers fail in Japan?”, Y. Aoyama (2006)
“Japan isn’t buying the Wal-Mart idea”, I. Rowley, Businessweek (2005)
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“Seiyu adopts contrarian strategy”, The Nikkei Weekly (2007)
“Seiyu announces competitors’ coupons are OK”, Fuji Sankei Business (2008)
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“Countries by GDP”, United Nation (2011)
"The Conference Board Total Economy Database ", The Conference Board (January 2013)
“Statistics Division of Gifu Prefecture”, Gifu Prefecture (November, 2007)
“The World Factbook - Life expectancy at birth”, CIA (2013)
“Monthly Population Estimate”, Japan Statistical Agency (2012)
“The World Factbook”, CIA (2009)
"Country Analysis Report Japan", Datamonitor (2011)
“Corporate tax rates table”, www.kpmg.com (2013)
“Doing business 2013”, World Bank (2013)
“Global Marketing”, Ilan Alon and Eugene Jaffe, McGraw-Hill (2013)
“Retail Structure and Consumer Satisfaction with Shopping Environment”, Ikuo Takahashi, Distribution Economics Institute of Japan (2008)
“Global Marketing”, Ilan Alon and Eugene Jaffe, McGraw-Hill (2013)
“Wal-Mart Annual Report 2012”, Wal-Mart (2012)
“Wal-Mart history timeline”, corporate.walmart.com (2013)
“17% gives sales on PB items.”, Nikkei Marketing Journal (2009)
“Global Marketing”, Ilan Alon and Eugene Jaffe, McGraw-Hill (2013)
“The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories.”, G. Hofstede, Journal of Int’l Business Studies(1983)
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“Global Consumer Trends 2009: Health”, Datamonitor (2009)
“Consumer lifestyle in Japan”, Euromonitorinternational (2009)
“Industrial report: Retail trend in Japan”, JETRO (2007)
“Import and export of food”, United Nation (2011)
"Current survey of commerce”, Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2013)
“Retailing in Japan: Overview and key trends” Ikuo Takahashi and Helge Fluch (2009)
“Country report 2012: Retailing in Japan”, Euromonitor (2013)
“Japan’s Pain Is Wal-Mart’s Gain” , Yuki Yamaguchi, Bloomberg BusinessWeek (2012)
“Wal-Mart Struggles in Japan” Arpita Siddhanta, Bharathi S. Gopal (2007)
“Going Global.com”, Natalie Berg (2011)
"Wal-Mart's Japanese strategic expansion", A. Anello, Marketing Strategy International (2012)
"Wal-Mart Says Time Is Right for Japan", Shelly Banjo, The Wall Street Journal (2012)
"Wal-Mart: What slowed Japanese expansion?", Meghan Foley, Wall St Cheat sheet (2012)
"Wal-Mart looks to gain ground in Asia", Laurie Burkitt, Wall Street Journal (2013)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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