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How Tradition, Paradigm Shift and Uncertainty interact in establishing the relative relationship among God, Man and Nature in the history of Western thought?

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4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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How Tradition, Paradigm Shift and Uncertainty interact in establishing the relative relationship among God, Man and Nature in the history of Western thought?
어떻게 트레디션(T.S.Eliot’s Tradition and Individual Talent )과 페러다임쉬프트 그리고 불확실성 원리가 서양철학사에서 신, 인간 그리고 자연의 관계에서 상호작용하는가

T.S.Eliot 의 Tradition 정의
Paradigm Shift 패러다임 전환
Uncertainty principle 양자역학의 원리 중 하나인 불확실성원리

이 세 개가 서양철학사에 주는 영향에 대해 분석




Western Philosophy refers to philosophical thought that appeared and developed in the Western world. Starting from Ancient Greece and Rome, it extends to European countries. Western Philosophy contains various kinds of fields; nature, politics, mathematics, religion, science and so on. To answer the question that how Tradition, Paradigm Shift and Uncertainty interact in establishing the relative relationship among God, Man and Nature in the Western thought, the history of Western Philosophy is needed to be discussed first. Western Philosophy is divided into three periods; Ancient Period, Medieval Period and Modern Period. Ancient Period refers to time when several important Western philosophers were born in Greek and Rome. In 600 BC, before Socrates and Plato were appeared in the world, there were few philosophers who invented “Western Philosophy”. Thales, Anaximander and Empedocles, they belong to the ancient philosophers. The important point is that these philosophers were interested in Nature and Universe. They wanted to study where they are living in.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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How Tradition, Paradigm Shift and Uncertainty interact in establishing the relative relationship among God, Man and Nature in the history of Western thought?
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