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敎師養成을 위한 敎師知覺開發課程

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13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : 李烘雨, 柳岸津


Ⅰ. 問題의 重要性
Ⅱ. 成功的인 敎師의 知覺心理學的 觀點
Ⅲ. 成功的인 敎師의 知覺體系
Ⅳ. 情意的 學習模型
Ⅴ. 敎師知覺開發課程(PADP)의 構案
Ⅵ. 實驗과 適用을 위한 提議

영어 초록

This paper is an attempt to explore the theoretical possibility, and suggest the general outline of a program for developing a set of attitudes or “modes of perception” relevant to teaching profession. a program tentatively called Perceptual Adequacy Development Program(PADP). We intend this program to be incorporated into the professional education component of teacher education.
We have relied on two theoretical sources for conceptualizing PADP. One is the A. W. Combs' list of successful teacher's modes of perception, based on his formulation of perceptual psychology. He lists some twenty bipolar modes of perception related to teaching profession under the headings of perception of other people, of the self, and of the purpose of education. The other is the model of affective learning as suggested by D.C. McClelland in his program for developing Achievement Motive. Basically what he did in his program is to define Achievement Motive in such a way that it can be put into educational operation, and to modilize all measures of developing the motive with in the reach of current psychological knowledge.
For PADP, the latter source gives a general framework, and the former provides the content to be fed into the framework. Thus, PADP consists of the following four component stages of units: The first unit is designed to create the sense of commitment to the program in the participants, i.e., to lead them to believe that it is worthwhile for them to take part in the program. During the second unit, the participants are to practice the verbal or behavioral manifestations of the perceptual adequacy. The third unit provides the participants with the opportunity to examine their self-concepts and the current social values with specific reference to teaching profession. In the fourth unit, the participants are to review the whole program and to make future plans individually and collectively. It should be stressed also that the group atmosphere throughout the program is an important factor for the effectiveness of the program.
The conception of PADP is based on the ubiquitous emphasis on teacher's attitudes, or the so-called “sense of vocation.” Apart from lip-service to that “sense of vocation,” we believe, no practical measures are being taken in teacher education program to pull the diverse and often widely scattered professional education subjects together so that they help the prospective teachers build a meaningful and enduring “outlook” to their vocation. We propose that PADP can be the initial step toward the improvement of the current states of teacher education in this respect. Continuous experimentation of PADP is earnestly desired.

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敎師養成을 위한 敎師知覺開發課程
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