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Griffith University 1001HSL Foundation

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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그리피스 대학교 호텔경영 기본과목 HSL 1001 Foundation 첫번째 과제입니다.


1.As discussed in Godbey (2003) (Reading 1: Course Reader) there are three main concepts of leisure: time, activity and attitude. Using this reading as your source of knowledge, discuss the meaning of each of these concepts illustrating your understanding with examples of your own leisure.

2.Liu et.al.’s (2008) article discusses a Chinese perspective on the meaning of leisure. Compare and contrast the Western meanings of leisure (as discussed in Godbey 2003, Reading 1) with the Chinese meaning of leisure presented by Liu et.al. 2008 (Reading 2). Discuss which meaning of leisure comes closest to how you conceive of leisure?

3. Why do managers in event, sport, tourism and hospitality organisations need to be able to address cross-cultural conflict (or misunderstandings) as argued by O’Shannessy & Minett, 2008 (Reading 3: Course Reader)? Describe one positive and one negative experience that you have had, or observed, in an event, tourism, sport or hospitality setting that illustrates sensitive and insensitive cross cultural communication.


1.As discussed in Godbey (2003) (Reading 1: Course Reader) there are three main concepts of leisure: time, activity and attitude. Using this reading as your source of knowledge, discuss the meaning of each of these concepts illustrating your understanding with examples of your own leisure.

Your Response

As income has been increased and labour time has been declined by the Industrial Revolution, leisure has been spotlighted by ordinary people naturally, and by scholars academically. According to Godbey (2003), leisure has been divided a concept of leisure into three types: time, activities, and state of existence or state of mind. This essay will discuss the meaning of leisure through three basic contexts by examining personal experiences.
Leisure which is normally thought as free time illustrates nearly unconstrained time which people spend time to do whatever they want to (Godbey, 2003). Nevertheless, there are some complications to certainly prescribe leisure as free time. Because free time depends on people’s situations such as political, cultural, or social background. For example, I have been studying English since I was 7-year-old in school, it cannot be leisure, for I was forced.

참고 자료

Godbey, G. (2003). Leisure, recreation, play and flow. In Leisure in Your Life: An Exploration (6th ed.). (pp. 1-31) Venture Pub., State College, Pa.
Liu, H., Yeh, C., Chick, G., & Zinn, H. (2008). An exploration of meanings of leisure: a Chinese perspective. In Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30(5), 482-488. doi:10.1080/01490400802353257
O’Shannessy, V., & Minett, D. (2008). Work in socially diverse environment. In The Road to Hospitality: Skills for the New Professional (3rd ed.). (pp. 56-89). Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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