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unemployeement problem in your region

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Overview for Korea Economy

Ⅱ. Body
1. Unemployment Rate in Korea
1) Overview
2) Korea Rate of unemployment
2. Concept & Need of Job Sharing
1) Concept
2) Need
3. Type of ”Job Sharing”
1) Employment Maintenance Type
2) Job Creation type
3) Employment extension type
4) Part-time Job type
4. Successful Conditions of Job Sharing
5. Desirable Policy for Job Sharing
1) Job Sharing by Pain-sharing
2) Authenticity for Pain-sharing by The Labor World
3) Minimize of Dismissal & Layoff
4) Gradual Participation by particular labor market
6. Competitiveness of Long term Job.

Ⅲ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Overview for Korea Economy
South Korea's recent growth is often called the Miracle on the Han River. Its remarkable transformation to a wealthy developed country in less than half a century is often called the Miracle on the Han River and earned the distinctive reputation of "Asian Tiger" in the international community. South Korea's economic success is now a role model for many developing countries. Today, South Korea has a highly developed trillion dollar economy and is a member of the OECD

<중 략>

in the world have been accumulated over the past 20 years in Korea. Murderous wage increase was happened neary 15 to 20% each year in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Though IMF crisis wage rise was truly a single-digit trend and in recent years, fell between 5% and 6%. However, wage increase like this is still a high level to bear Korea’s economy. Wage up again after the end of the crisis is just a stopgap. Fundamental measures to strengthen the company’s constitution by overcoming high-wage structure of Korea’s economy are necessary in the long term.

참고 자료

Lee Jong Hoon, professor in Myongji University, “Meaning of job sharing & assignment”
Kim Yong Sung, Research in KDI, “The target of job sharing”
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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