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필리핀 대학 졸업논문(영문, 수정판, 논문 쳅터 1 ~ 7, 설문조사, 시장조사)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
90페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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필리핀 대학 졸업 논문 입니다.
수정하셔서 사용하시면 됩니다.


Letter of Transmittal

Project Overview

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction
A. Name of Enterprise
B. Trade Mark
C. Product and Service
1. Primary Product
D. Long Term Objective
E. Mission and Vision

Chapter 2: Environmental Analysis
A. PEST Analysis

Chapter 3: Industry Analysis
A. SWOT Analysis
B. Porter's Five forces of Competition
1. Industry rivalry
2. Threat of new entran
3. Threat of Substitutes
4. Supplier
5. Consumer

Chapter 4: Market Study
A. Market Overview
B. Target Market
1. Restaurants
2. Campers
C. Survey Analysis
D. Competitor Analysis

Chapter 5: Marketing Strategy
A. Value Proposition
B. Product Positioning
C. Competitive Advantage of Product
D. Brand Equity Strategy
E. 4P Mix Strategy

Chapter 6: Technical Strategy
A. Location
B. Distribution Plan
C. Export Process
D. Retail Process
E. Distribution Process

Chapter 7: Management Study
A. Organizational Plan
1. Form of Owner Ship
2. Structure and Design
3. Organizational Chart
4. Officers and Key Personal
B. Strategy and Program
1. Strategies and Program
2. Sales and Marketing
3. Human Resource
4. Finance and Administration

Chapter 7: Financial Study
A. Major Financial Assumption
B. Initial project Cost
C. Detailed Financial Projection
D. Financial Statement Analysis




Research and Data

Survey Forms

Related Pictures


APPENDICES Acknowledgement Bibliography Research and Data Survey Forms Related Pictures

Chapter 1: Introduction A. Name of Enterprise The Clean Charcoal The company chose the name "Clean Charcoal" its exporting retail company because in South Korea, there is an issue for cooking charcoal such as coal briquettes. Coal briquette has health issues but many of the restaurants are using coal briquettes due to lower price. The word “clean” imposes safe, quality, reliable, and other positive meanings so they chose this as their company name. B. Trade Mark Logo:

Figure 1-1 The company has logo of Clean Charcoal Exporter Company reflects the coconut charcoal. We have decided not to put charcoal pictures in its logo since the color is black and it may give a negative meaning. 'COCONUT SUT' means coconut charcoal in Korean and 'clean charcoal' expresses the quality of their product. The choice of color is brown. The company tried to use other colors but it does not show simple and clear message so they stick to brown. The logo shows the company ’s name with the coconut tree which can be easily understood by customers. The “tree” imposes nature, cleanliness, intimacy and other

<중 략>

LOGO Reasons of People to take Health Functional Food Quit Smoking Rate Interest Rate in Camping and Outdoor aActivities Producting Positioning Brand Equity Strategy Manila Office Incheon Office Five Years Distribution Plan Export Process Retail Process Distribution Process Warehouse Location DRP Amount of Coconut Charcoal Imported Organization Chart of Manila Office Organization Chart of Incheon Office Comparison between Coconut Charcoal and Coal Briquettes PEST Analysis Exchange Rate Consumer Confidence Index Preference of Korean Charcoal Users Internet Distribution Rate in Korea Number of Competitors Number of Coconut Manufacturer Number of Korean Grill Restaurants Number of Campsites in Korea Number of Pensions and Similar Accommodations in Korea Camping Industry Size Demand of Coconut Charcoal and Our Target Market Shares Charcoal Market Share for Restaurants Charcoal Market Share for Campers Coconut Charcoal Price in Philippines and Korea Brand Equity Strategy Packaging Size Packaging Price Price of Cooking Charcoal Packaging Price Internet Shopping Behavior in Korea Shipping Cost Manila Office Per Shipping Price

참고 자료

Park young hwan, (4-29-2012), GNI, PGDI, PPP of Korea. from http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2012042934581 unknown (3-27-2013) GDP, GNI of Korea from http://blog.naver.com/coolsani?Redirect=Log&logNo=50167716787 unknown (11-11-2011) Chinese charcoal from http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=4&dirId=40502&docId=139478400&qb=7KSR6rWt7IKwIOywuOyIryDsiJjsnoU=&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=2&search_sort=0&spq=0&pid=RhAX6U5Y7vRssuLJMs8sssssstd-231648&sid=UYiuKXJvLDUAACN7F-A Hankyung(12-05-2012) Health issue http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=015&aid=0002592825 Choi, min soo (05-05-2013) camping industry size http://sunday.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=30083 Park eun ji officer (Korea Statistic center) (04-23-2013) Number of Grill restaurants Direct interview, http://kostat.go.kr Park eun ji officer (Korea Statistic center) (04-23-2013) Number of Grill restaurants in Seoul area Direct interview, http://kostat.go.kr Park eun kyung (8-25-2011) Number of campers
http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=262&aid=0000004699 Kim keun tae(1-28-2013) Number of campsites in Korea http://blog.naver.com/e_mnb?Redirect=Log&logNo=90162970175 Kim keun tae(1-28-2013) interest rate in camping and outdoor activities http://blog.naver.com/e_mnb?Redirect=Log&logNo=90162970175 Kim min joung officer (Korea statistic center) (04-22-2013) Number of pensions or similar accommodations Direct interview, http://kostat.go.kr Park ho officer (Korea customs) (04-21-2013) Fax rate of coconut charcoal from Philippines Direct interview, http://customs.go.kr Korea customs, Number of coconut charcoal imported in Korea
http://www.customs.go.kr/kcsweb/user.tdf?a=user.newTradestatistics.NewTradestatisticsApp&c=1003&mc=STATS_INQU_TRADE_020 Kim ho jin, (6-13-2012) Dangerous issues of coal briquettes
http://cafe.naver.com/glove/1060642 Hong seung in (7-13-2013) Coal briquettes issues
http://www.newdaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=85638 Ms Marie (Officer of Philippine coconut authority) (5-22-2013) Number of coconut charcoal suppliers in the Philippines Direct interview Mr. Lloyd (4-28-2013) Exporting process Direct interview Mr. Choi, bonggi (4-29-2013) Importing process Direct interview Mr. Choi, Ho (5-3-2013) Corporation in Korea Direct interview Ms. Lee soo jeung (5-4-2013) Sales taxes and others Direct interview 3 Coconut charcoal suppliers in the Philippines (4-15-2013) E-mail interview
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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