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구글 케이스 분석 MIS

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


구글에 대한 전반적인 분석


Ⅰ. What is vision of Goggle and what is their core competence?
1) Vision and Corporate values
2) SWOT analysis
3) Core competence

Ⅱ. Under their mission and core competence, what kinds of business did Google do?
Ⅱ-1. Did it well aligned with Google’s mission?

Ⅲ. How will the market be changing in the future?

Ⅳ. Which strategy should Google take in the future?
Ⅳ-1. What direction should Google move forward in their core business?
1) Mobile Search Business
Ⅳ-2. Which new arenas should Google branch out into?
2) Full-fledged Portal
3) Software Hegemony
4) E-commerce




Ⅰ. What is vision of Goggle and what is their core competence?

1) Vision and Corporate values
Google has a definite vision and the company works under their mission statement. Their mission statement of organizing world’s information is a driving force of a company and the direction of the business. When Google does business, they follow 3 philosophies.
First of all ,“ Don’t be evil” means that the users trust Google’s objectivity so the company should satisfy the users with honest result.

< 중 략 >

a. Enormous Database
Up until just 6 – 7 years, the only service google provided was the search engine. However, now as google acquired Youtube, Doubleclick, and about 150 other similar companies. Google currently has 70% market share and handles up to 20 billion search words per day. Looking at these numbers, we can assume that the database’s size is huge and it is told that informations for billions of users and information of up to 1 trillion websites gets store into google’s server and its database. And because google uses and open source we can expect that there will be much larger influence.

참고 자료

Murphy D., “Google at 40 acquisitions and counting for 2010”, PC Mag, Oct 10, 2010
Weintraub S., “Another revenue channel for Google: Product Search?”, Mobile Press, July 2010
Metz R., “Ebay 3Q profit rises 23 percent”, Yahoo Finance, Oct 20, 2010
Malone A., “Google plans to upgrade product search features”, Digital Trends, Nov 3, 2010
랜달스트로스, “구글 신화와 야망”, 일리, 2009
데이비드 A. 바이스, 마크 맬시드, “구글, 성공신화의 비밀”, 황금부엉이, 2006
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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