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(A+ 영어 Essay) Cyber culture

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


>>논제 : Cyber culture에 대한 영어 Essay 입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Main
1. Concepts of Cyberculture
2. Definitions of cyberculture
3. Cyberculture as theory of new media
4. Cyberculture as cultural interface of information society
5. The Core of Cybercultural Narratives
6. Summary

III. Conclusion



I. Introduction

I understand cyber culture within the conceptual framework. As a wide social and cultural movement, I have outlined in this essay, that is closely linked to advanced information and communication technologies, their emergence and development and their cultural colonization. 이 자료는 Cyber culture에 대한 A+ Essay이다.

II. Main

1. Concepts of Cyberculture

The narrowest concept of cyberculture refers to the initial discussions on new media and denotes the cyberpunk movement, hackers’ subculture and (more generally) the first computer and network users and, for example, members of the early virtual communities developing via computer networks in the 1980s and early 1990s. Mark Dery, who in his Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century (1996) identifies cyberculture with “computer-age subcultures,” are two representatives of this understanding of cyberculture. Members of these “computer-age subcultures” perceived cyberculture as an initiation of some kind of a futuristic regeneration of society. There is no cyberculture in the sense

참고 자료

Barlow, John P. 2010. Crime and Puzzlement.
Bolter, David J. 2011. Writing Space. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum A.P.
Zbiejczuk, Adam. 2003. Net Art. (Thesis.) Brno: FSS MU.
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