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The Goal 독서 감상문 (영문)

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경영학과 전공 생산관리에서 부교재로 자주 활용되는 `The Goal` 영어 감상문입니다.
(서울대학교 경영학과 생산관리 수업 과제)




Operation Management ? Book Report [The Goal] CBA, 2006-00000 Kim, 0000000
The Goal, by Eliyahu Goldratt, is a story about a young mobile executive named Alex Rogo who personifies the profile of a large number of typical people involved in business administration. He possesses an implied engineering undergraduate degree and an MBA. He is married and has two school-age children. Alex began his career at UniCo fifteen years ago as a project engineer under the supervision of Bill Peach. Peach has ascended the corporate hierarchy and attained the position of division manager, a vice-presidential level. Alex now works under Peach as a plant manager of a manufacturing factory in Bearington, his home town.
His plant has undergone a serious downturn despite various improvements with new technology and higher efficiencies. He’s been given an ultimatum to turn the plant around or it will be shut down and the story is about his struggle and realizations of trying to recover the plant. His work

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