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영화 `Australia` 영어감상문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


소견이 많이 들어갔으니 참고바람




Before I watch "ustralia", our class were given choices. There were "New Moon", "88 Minute", etc, including "ustralia", but Prof. William said nother class saw "New Moon". So our class saw "ustralia" with English subtitles. nd when I watched the movie, I felt too stuffy. Because of English subtitles, I didn`t understand detailed contents of the movie. I didn`t know `What is the subject?` and `What is the main content?` until the movie over. lso, because I didn`t understand contents of the movie, I felt so boring and sleepy. nd after time, I watched "ustralia" again with Korean subtitles.
"ustralia" is set at the time `The Second World War` and deal with happenings, adventures and romance in ustralia. Let`s talk about the movie. When her husband died, "shley" went to ustralia from England. nd she knew vast plains and thousands of bull was hers in this place. But villain, "Fletcher", planed to steal from her`s bull and sell to meat seller. s soon as she knew this planning, she asked "Clancy" for help. s he was a drover, they got through a crisis with his co-workers. nd then shley and Clancy fell in love. It is a main story about this movie.

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