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영어유치원에 대한 정부의 제재강화의 필요성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어유치원과 일반 유치원에 대한 경계가 모호해짐에 따라 나타나는 부작용 실태를 보고하고 `영어유치원`의 이름을 사용하지 않도록 정부의 제재가 강화될 필요성을 피력한 글입니다.


The necessity of changing the name, ‘the English Kindergaten’

1. Introduction

2. Background of English Education’s Spread

3. Popularity and Proper Function of English kindergartens

4. Actual activities of the English kindergartens in Korea.

5. The adverse effect of English kindergartens
5-1. The devalued importance of childhood education
5-2. High-priced tuition of English kindergartens
5-3. The disparity of the students’ learning standard in elementary schools.
5-4. Children’s distorted Identity as Koreans
5-5. English teachers’ deficient knowledge on the childhood education

6. The Regulation of Korean government on English Kindergartens

7. Conclusion


The necessity of changing the name, ‘the English Kindergaten’

1. Introduction
Over last ten years, the demand of English kindergartens in Korea among Korean parents has rapidly grown. As Korean parents increasingly chose to English kindergarten instead of general kindergartens as their children’s first schools, many experts were concerned about the phenomenon. Although Korean childhood education is important for the development of child as a whole-person, it was ignored easily due to Korean parents’ English obsession. English teachers in English kindergartens who did not major in childhood education and their curriculums are usually focused on mainly English. As the English kindergartens pretending general kindergartens without the regular curriculum are getting numerous, some negative side effects are expected among educational experts. This study was aimed to inform the English kindergartens’ real state and the necessity of regulating the English kindergartens.

2. Background of English Education’s Spread
According to the ministry of education, the children’s studying abroad for English education has been for 30years in Korea. The number of learning English abroad has steadily increased as well. It shows that Korean parents have been interested in English education continuously. When the globalization policy was proclaimed by government in 1994, Koreans started to concentrate on English more strongly than before. Since then, as each famous companies tried to find and train competent employees to work in globalized business(1), the necessity of English education comes to be highlighted among Koreans. In the year 2000, furthermore, English was included in elementary schools’ the regular curriculum and the policy. Later, ‘English immersion education’ appeared in 2008 as well. Basically, these backgrounds helped English kindergartens appear in Korea.

참고 자료

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Sunkyun, Jung. “Closing English kindergartens” Dok-Rib ilbo Feb. 2011
Myonghee, Ra. “Analysis of Interest Level in English Classes between English Kindergarten and Regular Kindergarten Students.” Younsei University, 2008
Yule, Yi ,and Sungeun,Yang. “A Qualitative Study on Experience of Mothers Sending Their Children to English Kindergarten.” Younsei University , 2009
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Yakwoo,Park, and Ki-Hwa,Park, and Heekyong,Choi, Euikap, Lee. “A Study on Earlier Implementation of English Education In Korean Elementary School.” 2007
Dong-a ilbo. 1981. 18 July. 1981
Youngsun, PARK. “A study of Enlgish Immersion Education in EFL.” SungKyunKwan University. 2009
Dong-Ju, Lee. “An analysis on the curriculum of private English kindergartens in Korea.” Younsei University. 2006
Jiin, Cha.( “A Qualitative Study on Mothers Sending Their Children to English Institutes.” Kookmin University. 2003
Youjin, Yoon. “ELS, EFL Learning Programs and Children’s English Ability.” Choongbook University. 2003

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