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20페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 85권
저자명 : 何花


1. 引言
3. 月山诗话蕴含的诗学观
1) 风格论——语言清新,敦厚端庄
2) 作家论——重视人品,讲究学力
3) 批评论——崇尚治学,考证校勘
4) 创作论——诗法江西,以故为新
5) 创作论——提倡复古,兼取唐宋
4. 月山诗话:诗学思想史上的评价
1) 接武——宗主格调,有承神韵
2) 月山诗话之价值——调唐宋之争、窥清汉学成果
3) 不足——卫杜抨李,有欠公允
5. 结语

영어 초록

Hengren is a poet of the Qing Dynasty, and has a volume called “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry”. The content includes evaluating the poems of Tang and Song dynasties, correcting the mistakes of the poems and expressing their views on controversial issues.On the aspect of poetics, he advocated studying Tang Dynasty poetry and paying attention to morality and hard work;In terms of poetry creation skills, he advocated dialectical study of Jiangxi poetry schoo l;The language of poetry should be fresh and mild;Evaluating other people's poems emphasizes examination and verification;Taking “The Literary Style Theory” as the main idea, we also accept the idea of “Charm Theory”. Poetry has gained special value, such as evaluating poetry by means of “Qianjia School” emphasis on examination and verification; It fully demonstrates the level of Han culture in the Qing Dynasty and confirms the importance Manchu attach to Han culture; Break through the “The Literary Style Theory” to “Tang” as the main limitation; “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry” played an active role in perfecting the thought of “the Literary Style Theory” in Qing Dynasty, correcting some theoretical defects of style school. This “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry” also has some shortcomings. For example, because he likes Du Fu, his evaluation of Li Bai is not objective.

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