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Deciphering the Oracle Bone Script Г and its Derived Ideograms

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
65페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 12,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계한자학회 수록지정보 : 世界漢字硏究 / 4권 / 2호
저자명 : Dalu Da WEIH


1. Pictogram and Ideogram
2. Pictogram and The Artifact of Г –axe
3. Object telling and Ideology reading
4. The usage of Г axe brings many new ideologies
4.1 折、逝
4.2 析
4.3 斷
4.4 迴
4.5 斯
4.6 別
4.7 誓
5. The shape imitated Г axe
5.1 河
5.2 可
5.3 戎
5.4 匠
6. The improvement of Г axe
6.1 Г-spear
6.2 A pole weapon
6.3 The first version of Dagger-axe
6.4 The shortcomings of Dagger-axe
7. The tools changed the world

영어 초록

The oracle bone characters do not represent words of the language but thoughts or concepts. The bone text did not record an oral language. Perhaps we can say that it recorded an artificial language. The French scholar, Léon Vandermeersch says that the oracle bone inscriptions are a formula. A better analogy is to say that it is like a computer language. Is it English? The answer is yes, but it is not like English at all. Similar to Sumerian protocuneiform writing, the nature of Chinese writing is fundamentally ideographic, in which concepts or thoughts are represented rather than speech. This paper will present hundreds of examples of the oracle bone scripts that demonstrate these qualities. Excavated deer antlers Г-shaped axe and hoe and Г-shaped spear are figurative in the Oracle script jin 斤 (axe) and bing 兵 (weapon). A number of ideograms are derived from the Г-axe character. The ideograms of Sumer, Mo-so, English and Oracle script, are created from thoughts and by recording these thoughts, they are similar to narrative arts that express emotions. So an ideograph, which records ideas, not words or sounds, sometime also creates language. In addition, other kinds of small and light antler Г-shaped spear can be tied to the front end of a long slender and flexible pole, waved in a swinging motion instead of thrust. This weapon has a much longer killing distance than a spear for thrust. Bing-Г (兵) perhaps is the key technology of Shandong Longshan Culture from the Central Plains, and the predecessor of Ge-Г (戈).

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Deciphering the Oracle Bone Script Г and its Derived Ideograms
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