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Antaeus: Heaney’s Reincarnation through Mythic Re-presentation

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최종 저작일
22페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국예이츠학회 수록지정보 : The Yeats Journal of Korea / 70권
저자명 : Sukla Kisku

한국어 초록

아일랜드의 저명한 노벨상 수상자인 셰이머스 히니는 적절한 시적 표현을 위해 종종 신화적인 작품들에 의존한다. 신화의 장르를 사용하기 위해, 히니는 과거를 재창조하거나 재고함으로써 과거를 이상화한다. 히니가 사용한 신화인물들 중에서, 안테우스는 히니의 끝없는 정신적 투쟁과 북아일랜드의 고난기에 겪었던 혼란을 독자들에게 끊임없이 상기시킨다. 「안테우스」와 「헤라클레스와 안테우스」는 1975년 저서인

영어 초록

Eminent Irish Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney has oftentimes received the cooperation of mythic accounts for his compositions, in order to reveal his clutter of thoughts through appropriate poetic expressions. To employ the genre of myth for his poetic mission, Heaney has actually participated in the celebration of the past, where reinventing or rethinking the past gets preference. In fact, the reincarnation of myth would never have been possible the way Heaney employed it a number of times in his compositions. Among many mythic personages, Antaeus could possibly be that one figure who incessantly reminds the reader of Heaney’s disturbed position during the northern unrest, revealing his endless mental struggle. Under the title of this mythic eponymous character, “Antaeus” and “Hercules and Antaeus” – in his 1975 collection North- could be read as an attempt to articulate the account of instability, anxiety, trauma, indecisiveness all at once. Corresponding to his own situation, Antaeus can be imagined as a perfect spokesperson to narrate Heaney’s own dilemmas, unveiling his own questions of reincarnation. Through mythic re-presentation, he brings himself to face his own self, which has been challenged from time to time by foreign compulsions, with undoubted interruption of socio-political suspension.

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Antaeus: Heaney’s Reincarnation through Mythic Re-presentation
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