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Comparison and evaluation of the performance of graphene‑based biosensors

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon letters / 32권 / 4호
저자명 : Walid Kamal Abdelbasset, Saade Abdalkareem Jasim, Dmitry Olegovich Bokov, Maria Sergeevna Oleneva, Anvar Islamov, Ali Thaeer Hammid, Yasser Fakri Mustafa, Ghulam Yasin, Arnold C. Alguno, Ehsan Kianfar


1 Introduction
2 Classification based on biomarkers
2.1 Antibodyantigen
2.2 Enzymes
2.3 Nucleic acids
2.4 Cells
2.5 Biomimetic materials
2.6 Binding of biological elements to the surface
2.7 Classification of biosensors based on biotransformation system
2.8 Evaluate the performance of a biosensor
3 Graphene
4 Properties of monolayer and bilayer graphene
4.1 Properties of multilayer graphene
4.2 Graphene synthesis methods
5 Biosensors-based graphene
6 Comparison of electrochemical activity of GC and CNTs
6.1 GC-based optical biosensors
7 Field effect transistor biosensors
8 Improving graphene bio-sensing with metal nanoparticles
9 Conclusion

영어 초록

Abstract Biosensors are a group of measurement systems and their design is based on the selective identification of analyses based on biological components and physical and chemical detectors. Biosensors consist of three components: biological element, detector, and converter. The design of biosensors in various fields of biological sciences, medicine has expanded significantly. Biosensor technology actually represents a combination of biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry, physics, electronics, and telecommunications. A biosensor actually consists of a small sensor and biological material fixed on it. Because biosensors are a powerful tool for identifying biological molecules, today they are used in various medical sciences, chemical industry, food industry, environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical production, health, etc. In fact, these sensors are a powerful tool to identify biological molecules. In fact, biosensors are analytical tools that can use biological intelligence to detect and react with a compound or compounds, and thus create a chemical, optical, or electrical message. The basis of a biosensor is to convert a biological response into a message. In this category, the use of telecommunication engineering technology and electromagnetic waves and frequency and radio spectrum is growing more and more to detect, measure, and determine the desired parameters in microbiology and laboratory sciences. The use of radio, optical, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and infrared wave detection technology is part of the applications of telecommunication science in this field. Even image and audio processing systems have been instrumental in the discussion of biosensors in microbiology. The science of using fiber optics and waveguides, micro-strip antennas, and microelectromechanical technology is also very efficient in the construction and design of these biosensors.

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Comparison and evaluation of the performance of graphene‑based biosensors
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