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Mongolian Gerbil as a Novel Animal Model for Ligature-induced Periodontitis

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발행기관 : 대한구강생물학회 수록지정보 : International Journal of Oral Biology / 41권 / 4호
저자명 : Sungil Jang, Eun-Jung Bak

영어 초록

Inflammation from chronic and acute infections of distal organs and tissues such as periodontitis is a risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular processes. Recently, a new model of atherosclerosis with vascular pathologies was developed in the Mongolian gerbil. In this study, we attempted to develop a model of ligature-induced periodontitis in gerbils and compared the characteristics of that periodontitis model with that in rats and mice. Each gerbil, rat, and mouse was randomly assigned to groups of control and periodontitis. A thread was placed around the cervix of the right and left first molars in the mandible with knots placed on the mesial side of each molar. At day 14 after the ligation, the animals were sacrificed and their mandibles were dissected. To measure alveolar bone loss along with inflammation, histopathological and micro-CT analyses were carried out. Gerbils showed tooth characteristics of deeper gingival crevice, longer cusp, longer root trunk and shorter root than those of rats and mice. The increased CEJ-ABC distance in distal and PDL area in furcation was also observed in ligated gerbils. An inflammatory response in the connective tissue under the junctional epithelium was also shown in all the animals. As a result, we confirmed the induction of periodontitis by ligature in the gerbils. We therefore consider the gerbil to be a useful model for investigating relationship between periodontitis and vascular disease in the same animal.

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Mongolian Gerbil as a Novel Animal Model for Ligature-induced Periodontitis
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