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Evaluation of the Forest Bird Community by using a Sound Recording System -Verification for the Avifauna evaluation in the non-breeding season -

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최종 저작일
10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국환경생태학회 수록지정보 : 한국환경생태학회지 / 29권 / 2호
저자명 : Seung-Hwa Yoo, Hyun-Jin Han, Dong-Won Kim, Woo-Young Joo


1. Survey period and scope
2. Survey and analysis method
1. Intercomparison of recorded data
2. Relationship between the bird community surveyusing a recorder and an aggregation indices
3. Relationship between bird activity detected witha stationary recorder and an community indices

영어 초록

We have conducted a verification test of correlation between bird community indices and bird sound recording results in order to use the equipment which deals with the automatic sound collecting system, the song meter. The study areas include four sites which are Gombaeryoung and Zochimryoung in Jeombongsan Mountain and Jookryoung and Gochiryoung in Sobaeksan National Park. We collected the bird sound data five times using a sound recorder and field survey results in the same place of the study site. As a result of the sound recording from the field survey, the species recorded by three researchers of sound analyst include common resident species or species which have a relatively conspicuous call and song. On the contrary, the species recorded by only one researcher are a relatively rare or inconspicuous species or was familiar with the personal experiences of each researcher. The number of species recorded by only one researcher totaled fourteen species (36.8 %), and that of two researchers totaled twelve species (31.6 %), and that of three researchers totaled twelve species (31.6 %). The correlations of the number of species among three researchers was not significant in some results, but the sum or maximum count of the number of species was useful to estimate a significant correlation between the result of researchers and the indices of field surveys. As a result of correlation analysis by using sound recordings, the maximum number of species among the three researchers significantly correlated with the number of species, the species diversity index and the species abundance index in the field survey at the same site, however it did not correlate with the number of individuals and species evenness index. As a result of sound analysis collected from the stationary sound recording system; song meter, the number of frequencies in bird songs and calls correlated with the number of species in the field survey at the same site. The number of calls and songs decreased as time went by. Finally, we could test the active time range and change the activity strength by using a sound recording system. In particular, that sound recording system is able to collect data in same time and site, so it is expected so that the equipment not only replenish a shortage of researchers and survey periods in field research in a short term monitoring survey, but also be able to acquire statistical objectivity.

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Evaluation of the Forest Bird Community by using a Sound Recording System -Verification for the Avifauna evaluation in the non-breeding season -
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