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韓國産 薔薇科 植物에 관한 本草學的 硏究 Ⅰ

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39페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전통의학연구소 수록지정보 : 한국전통의학지 / 14권
저자명 : 정종길, 황상욱, 송호준, 신민교

영어 초록

For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Rosaceae which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigated and the results obtained as follows: 1. There were totaled to 36 genera and 262 in Korea and among them medicinal plants are 27 genera, 117species, some 44% in total, but the number of species may be added because of the similiar plants. 2. According to sum of 262 species in Rosaceae family, they were classified into Agrimonia genera 3, Potentilla genera 26, Prunus genera 48,pyrus genera 17, Rosa genera 24, Rubus genera 28, Sorbaria genera 17, Spiraea genera 20. Thus it was noticed that Prunus genera was the main kind in total. 3. According to the oriental names which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants belonging to the Rosaceae family were classified as Herba 24, Radix 43, Foilum 31, Fructus 48, Semen 11, cortex 14, Lignum, Ramulus;12 each Flos 3, pericarpium 3, resina 2, the others 6. so Fructus is 24% of all and it is the most applied in the clinical treatments. 4. According to nature and flavour of medicinal plants, they were classified into balance 84, warmth, heat; 44 each, cold, cool; 35 each bitter taste 79, sweet taste 74, sour taste 61 thus it was noticed that balance and bitter taste is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants 5. According to meridian tropism of herbs they were classified into liver meridian 50 lung meridian 28, stomach meridian 22, spleen meridian 20, heart meridian 19 thus it was noticed that liver meridian is the main kind 6. According to the Properties and Principal curative action, they were classified into drugs for treating detoxicant 72, drugs for treating febrifugal 55, drugs for invigorating blood circulation 53, drugs for removing dampness 46, drugs for expelling wind and drugs to stop bleeding 38 each, drugs to cure tramatic swelling and drugs for relieving pain 36 each. Thus it was noticed that drugs for treating detoxicant and febrifugal was the main kind 7. It was researched that toxic drugs include minor toxin were 10 kinds From this result, it was revealed that Fructus was the main kind in the plants for medical purpose of Rosaceae. and toxic plants was slightly poisonous that it will be used for clinical treatments more easily. It is considered that many experiments and clinical approaches must be continued to use Rosaceae plants widely.

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韓國産 薔薇科 植物에 관한 本草學的 硏究 Ⅰ
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