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星湖의 經書解釋 方法과 그 觀點

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28페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국한자한문교육학회 수록지정보 : 漢字漢文敎育 / 8권
저자명 : 權文奉

영어 초록

Now I’d like to abstract the statement as far and reach the conclusions by making clear the basic direction, of it’s characteristics, significance in the History of Korean Confucian Studies. Seong-Ho not only accepted the previous seience itself as private person 60 more years but also try to criticized the reality of politics, laying stress on the ratiinal innovation of real policies. He didn’t obey blindly ready-made congnition system, because of his objectified attitude for recognition of object, so he pursuited the rational congnition in accordance with reality. This attitude is a kind of characteristics and basic elements of his realistic development in Confucian studies. Therefore, I’d like to overview interpretation of Confucian classical canons which is basic element of his study. First, Seong-Ho emphasized that a man who studied the Confucianism ought to rearch for the original Confucianism with the attitude of throughout rearch for original understanding. If possible, as one want to study the classical canons of Confucianism, not only acquainted with the meaning of canons and supporting evidence, but also, not adhere to the previous interpretation. So it would be helful for researching the real problems. Seong-Ho insisted that scholia and prose poem never helful for real benefit, at same argument on Lee-Qi(理氣) would be more important things than any others. On this stand-point, it means that Confucian studies ought to return to the original Confucianism as a attitude for studing confucian canons. Second, Seong-Ho insisted that method for interpretation of Confucian canons would be more clear by means of historical research and meaning of worlds. This is cleary differentiated characteristic of Seong-Ho Confucian studies, compared with general way of thingking at that time which blindly followed the Zhu-Xi`s(朱喜) annotation. The other world, He made an effort to reinterpretated the classical canons, refered various theory, not depend on only one theory. Third, It was noted that the cardinal point of Seong-Ho’s studies was a means of manage and benefits for practical use, that is to say, ultimate goal in of Seong-Ho’s studies was benefit for pracrical use. I think characteristic of Lee-Yik’s view on the study of classical canons itself, rather consider it as a means of study, because his emphasise on the practical use and practice. This specific feature of Seong-Ho, Lee Yik’s was concreatly appeared in the Jil seu for the Four Books.

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