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뇌졸중에 영향을 미치는 생활습관 요인 -흡연, 음주, 비만, 식습관을 중심으로-

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최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전문물리치료학회 수록지정보 : 한국전문물리치료학회지 / 6권 / 3호
저자명 : 원종임, 오희철

영어 초록

Stroke is a serious disease despite recent improvement in medical and surgical treatment. Hence, identification of modifiable risk factors for stroke is important. This case-control study was done to demonstrate that relationship between smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, perception of saltness and the incidence of stroke and to identify that smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and perception of saltness, after adjusting for age, hypertension. A structured interview was carried out from April 15, 1996 to May 3, 1996 in Yonsei Medical Center. The study group consisted of 59 neurologically confirmed stroke patients as the study group and 59 non-stroke patients as controls. Analysis of the data was done by means of -test and logistic regression analysis. The results were as follows. In the study group: 1) Hypertension in males had a 10.2 odds ratio (p<0.05), cardiovascular disease in females had a 11.3 odds ratio (p<0.05) and a farnily history of stroke in males had a 3.1 odds ratio (p<0.05). 2) Females smoking one or more cigarettes had a 8.3 odds ratio (p<0.1), but males had no direct relationship with odds ratio of 1.5 (non-significant). 3) Alcohol consumption in males had a 0.4 odds ratio, and in females had a 0.8 odds ratio. The odds ratio was decreased in alcohol consumption group (non-significant). 4) Males with more than 20 cigarettes pack-years history had a 2.5 odds ratio (p<0.05), more than 25 Body Mass Index had a 3.1 odds ratio (p<0.05) and more than 220 ml ethanol weekly consumption had a 1.5 odds ratio (non-significant). 5) Female smokers had a 8.3 odds ratio (p<0.1), drinkers a 0.8 odds ratio and more than 25 Body Mass Iidex, a 43.1 odds ratio (p<0.05). 6) Females without saltness perception from a 0.5% salt solution had a 6.8 odds ratio (non-significant). 7) By logistic regression analysis independent risk factors for stroke in males were found to be hypertention, age, and obesity. The study was limited because number of subjects was too small for practical implications. However, like as other results, this study suggest that people should be advised to control hypertension, and obesity since these carry a risk of stroke.

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