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The effects of stacking sequence on the penetration-resistant behaviors of T800 carbon fiber composite plates under low-velocity impact loading

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon Letters / 16권 / 2호
저자명 : Furqan Ahmad, Jung-Wuk Hong, Heung Soap Choi, Soo-Jin Park, Myung Kyun Park


1. Introduction
2. Experimentation
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions

한국어 초록

Impact damages induced by a low-velocity impact load on carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) composite plates fabricated with various stacking sequences were studied experimentally.The impact responses of the CFRP composite plates were significantly affected by thelaminate stacking sequences. Three types of specimens, specifically quasi-isotropic, unidirectional,and cross-ply, were tested by a constant impact carrying the same impact energy level.An impact load of 3.44 kg, corresponding to 23.62 J, was applied to the center of each platesupported at the boundaries. The unidirectional composite plate showed the worst impact resistanceand broke completely into two parts; this was followed by the quasi-isotropic lay-upplate that was perforated by the impact. The cross-ply composite plate exhibited the best resistanceto the low-velocity impact load; in this case, the impactor bounced back. Impact parameterssuch as the peak impact force and absorbed energy were evaluated and compared forthe impact resistant characterization of the composites made by different stacking sequences.

영어 초록

Impact damages induced by a low-velocity impact load on carbon fiber reinforced polymer
(CFRP) composite plates fabricated with various stacking sequences were studied experimentally.
The impact responses of the CFRP composite plates were significantly affected by the
laminate stacking sequences. Three types of specimens, specifically quasi-isotropic, unidirectional,
and cross-ply, were tested by a constant impact carrying the same impact energy level.
An impact load of 3.44 kg, corresponding to 23.62 J, was applied to the center of each plate
supported at the boundaries. The unidirectional composite plate showed the worst impact resistance
and broke completely into two parts; this was followed by the quasi-isotropic lay-up
plate that was perforated by the impact. The cross-ply composite plate exhibited the best resistance
to the low-velocity impact load; in this case, the impactor bounced back. Impact parameters
such as the peak impact force and absorbed energy were evaluated and compared for
the impact resistant characterization of the composites made by different stacking sequences.

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탑툰 이벤트
The effects of stacking sequence on the penetration-resistant behaviors of T800 carbon fiber composite plates under low-velocity impact loading
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