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출석대체 과제물 텍스트 (Deadline - 5/26) 시사영어 - 강의 2~4강

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"출석대체 과제물 텍스트 (Deadline - 5/26) 시사영어 - 강의 2~4강"에 대한 내용입니다.

요약 과제인 만큼 원문이 타이핑 되어있으면 상당히 도움이 되겠죠?


I. 2강
A. 3 Tips to Help Small Businesses Save at Tax Time
B. New Study Highlights Retirement Savings Shortfall of All Generations

II. 3강
1. Section A-1
2. Section A-2
3. Section A-3
4. Section A-4
5. Section A-5
6. Section A-6
7. Section B-1
8. Section B-2
9. Section B-3
10. Section B-4
11. Section B-5
12. Section B-6
13. Section B-7

III. 4강
1. Section B-1
2. Section B-
3. Couples Learn to Face Economy Together


Section A-1
While running a small business and being your own boss can be satisfying indeed, it can also be tricky come tax time. To ensure that you keep more money in your pocket than the government’s, check out the following tax tips:

3 Tips to Help Small Businesses Save at Tax Time
1. Deduct everything.
The IRS has given dozens of concessions to small business owners, but many don’t take full advantage of all that they can claim. For instance, if there’s a space in your home dedicated exclusively for business, you can deduct some of your housing costs.

For a 2013 return, you can claim $5 per sq. ft. of your office up to 300 sq. ft. Additionally, you can also deduct monthly Internet charges, electricity, gas and phone (cell or land line) expenses.

Section A-2
Mileage is often another overlooked expense. You can deduct the miles you drive for business, such as client meetings or picking up supplies.

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출석대체 과제물 텍스트 (Deadline - 5/26)  시사영어 - 강의 2~4강
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