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"health-related fitness" 검색결과 161-180 / 211건

  • 워드파일 체벌금지에 관한 agumentative essay 입니다.
    United Nations .1948 Mok Jung-Min. ... Robert West, a professor of health psychology at University College London (West 10). ... Besides, some of them slapped their teacher on the face in a fit of anger after she was scolded (A8).
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 12,500원 | 등록일 2011.01.22
  • 한글파일 리더십과 스트레스
    Job stress, employee health, 84 ... 카리스마적 그리고 개별적 배려를 활용하는 리더 아래의 부하ent Fit Model and The Study of Job Stress, in Beehr, T.A. & R.S.Bhogot ... 1975 Cooper, C.L. and Marshall, J., "Organizational Sources of Stress : A review of the Literature relating
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2010.09.09
  • 파일확장자 초등학교 비만 학생의 신체상과 운동 능력 및 체육수업에 대한 인식 (Obese Elementary Student's Perception of the Body Image, Motor Ability, and Physical Education Classes)
    data, major results were drawn as follows: 1) depending on the level of obesity or physical activity-related ... And, obesity students prefer a competition activity and hate a health class. 3) the experience of success ... participation. but, if the task presented inappropriate & difficult task for their skill level and physical fitness
    논문 | 17페이지 | 4,600원 | 등록일 2015.03.25 | 수정일 2017.02.01
  • 파일확장자 산림기반형 한방치유 관광상품의 선호도에 관한 연구
    선호 치유요법은 '트래킹, 산책 등 걷기요법'이 가장 많았으며 '피트니스, 기체조 등 운동요법'이 그 뒤를 이었다. ... Preferred areas were Seoul/Gyeonggi-do(53.5%) and Gangwon-do(38.8%). ... 'Stress solving and refreshment', 'taking a forest bath and a walk', and 'maintaining and promoting health
    논문 | 9페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2016.04.02 | 수정일 2023.04.05
  • 한글파일 Personal Trainers; The Fitness Wave of the Future 번역본
    The truth about health and fitness is that you have to want to get off the bench and be a participant ... The demand for all things related to fitness has created a great demand for personal trainers, which ... For one, there is an increasing population of people over age fifty-five who want to stay fit.
    시험자료 | 2페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2009.12.02
  • 워드파일 [체육]The Study about Physical Fitness
    Physical fitness is usually measured in relation to functional expectations-that is, typically, by periodic ... Exercises that demand total body involvement improve and maintain fitness most effectively-for example ... People with health problems caused by heart attacks, strokes, and illness should see a physician before
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2007.03.20
  • 파워포인트파일 Health Monitoring Device: Product Design Presentation
    The trainer software Product Fit Chest-strap to be worn snugly around the chest Wristband can be worn ... , and technology-related magazines Newsletters Online Advertisements Advertisement Cost Manufacturing ... Two main groups Young adults who are health-conscious Potential heart disease and post-operative heart
    리포트 | 51페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2008.01.01
  • 파일확장자 협심증이 의심되는 환자에서 운동부하검사로 유발되는 흉통의 양상과 생리적 변인에 관한 연구 (A study on characteristics and physiological variables of chest pain induced by exercise test in angina suspected patients)
    related to chest pain before the exercise test. ... Subjects were interviewed with questionnaire regarding sociodemography, the past health history and history ... , prickly 7(25.0%), burning 6(21.4%), clasp 5(17.9%), cleaved, tensed, piercing 3(10.7%), perfectly fitting
    논문 | 19페이지 | 4,800원 | 등록일 2015.03.25 | 수정일 2017.02.01
  • 한글파일 GRE 대비 영어단어 목록
    to parishes parody :: humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty paroxysm :: fit or attack of pain ... ; unwholesome 2) injurious to health; harmful nomadic :: wandering nomenclature :: terminology; system ... :: interfering mediate :: settle a dispute through the services of an outsidesm :: favoritism (to a relative
    시험자료 | 45페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2010.04.23
  • 한글파일 미국 스포츠 산업 전공 대학원
    , and/or organization and administration(스포츠 경영 : 행정원리, 행정이론/조직과 행정), Sport marketing/Sports public relations ... in Higher Education 높은 교육에서의 운동경기 Governance in Sport Management 스포츠경영에서의 통제 Exercise in Corporate Fitness ... Sports University (미국 스포츠 대학교) 전공 : Sports Marketing(스포츠마케팅학과), Sports Management(스포츠경영학과) ,Sports Health
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  • 한글파일 Morphology 요약 [An introduction to language - 언어학개론]
    Some are created outright to fit some purpose-coinage. ... Morphology is related with words. ... Noun to Adjective Verb to Noun Adjective to Adverb Prefixes boy+ish virtue+ous health+ful life+like clear
    리포트 | 9페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2009.04.29
  • 한글파일 six sigma - DMAIC 적용사례
    : I hardly exercise these days. but my dormitory have a fitness club. 3. ... Identify the key internal processes that influence CTQs and measure the defects currently generated relative ... problem : to go dermatology(to see a dermatologist) and undergo medical treatment is very expensive. health
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2009.03.26
  • 파워포인트파일 실버산업을 위한 창업계획서(영문)
    in Information market of silver industry Information about Silver Town, Items, Construction, Travel, Fitness ... Industry Analysis Silver Castle 'Silver' Item Health food Travel agency Interior consumer consumer consumer ... of Ventilating system, unaware of the product information Lack of R D and Investment Difficulties of related
    리포트 | 20페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2008.05.06 | 수정일 2018.02.01
  • 파워포인트파일 골프장, 클럽하우스 도면 및 특징 사례
    -Bathroom: Ensure enough in size, fresh design plan with health theme and related furnture. ... PAGE:3 Arrangement Black Stone 1,537,324 m2 (약 46.5만평 ) 1,736,464 m2 (골프장 :irway VIEW (동향, 남향, 서향, 북향) Fitness ... (Privacy유리) -빌라 전용주차장이 없음. -입구 홀에서의 조망차단. -주방이 소규모로 계획. -욕실에서의 조망 차단. Black Stone` -입구 홀에서의 조망 양호.
    리포트 | 37페이지 | 6,000원 | 등록일 2010.07.07 | 수정일 2017.02.09
  • 한글파일 요가의 장점 (About Yoga)
    Adults might easily suffer from stress due to many work-related issues. ... Most people want to improve their health and find the sports that fit them, such as running, swimming ... and non-invasive manner.
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2007.06.19
  • 워드파일 Health-care industry & senior market
    companies that develop, manufacture, market, and distribute health-related. ... /2005/HEALTH/diet.fitness/03/16/obesity.longevity.ap/) Third, thopedic implants such th care. ... (Source: HYPERLINK "http://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/diet.fitness/03/16/obesity.longevity.ap/" http://www.cnn.com
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2006.11.12
  • 한글파일 [인문]웰빙에 관한 영어 발표문
    Membership in a health club? It's all about well-being. Organic produce? Same thing. Yoga classes? ... effective for those suffering from high blood pressure, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and other stress-related ... Fitness clubs cater to the "well-being" lifestyle, and a regular workout at the gym has become a self-improvement
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2007.06.15
  • 워드파일 The Implications of Globalisation for Human Security
    This is more fitting for an analysis of globalisation than a state-centric approach. ... agencies and terms of reference are dissolved in favour of a structure of relations between different ... Kegley and Wittkopf argue that globalisation has many negative implications for health security (2004
    리포트 | 15페이지 | 30,000원 | 등록일 2008.10.25
  • 한글파일 Caregivers,the new business group for elders
    Second, there were no home health aides available exclusively for private-pay cases, and sometimes an ... ), Gilda Newburgh ( director of housing),Colleen Con fit ( marketing manager), Pamela Tilden ( housing ... A Caregivers social worker would provide information to hp the employee care for an elderly relative
    논문 | 6페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2013.06.05
  • 한글파일 [교양]운동,영양,웰니스 중간고사
    fitness) ⑨ 운동기술 관련 체력(motor skill-related fitness) ⑩ 이상적인 체중(ideal body weight) 12) 행동수정모델의 과정에 대해 아는 ... ) ④ 복지(wellness) ⑤ 웰빙(well-being) ⑥ 운동부족병(hypokinetic diseases) ⑦ 만성질병(chronic diseases) ⑧ 건강 관련 체력(health-related ... , 음주 11) 다음 용어들을 간단하게 정의하라(각각 3점) ① 기대 수명(life expectancy) ② 건강 기대 수명(healthy life expectancy) ③ 건강(health
    시험자료 | 2페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2005.12.07
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