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EasyAI “do you like apple” 관련 자료
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"do you like apple" 검색결과 1-20 / 393건

  • Do you like apples? 영어 지도안
    영어 수업지도안Unit4. Do you like apples?Period1/4Text book38-39Communicativefunction좋아하는 것을 묻고 답하기Grade3 ... like apples?? Statement of the objective? Today’s objective is...♠ Do you like apples?□: 교과서※ 주요 표현 ... they are making?- They are making salad.? What did Sam ask Alpha about the apples?- Do you like apples
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2022.06.11
  • 백설공주와 난쟁이 영어 스토리텔링 지도안
    건네며) Do you like apples?백설 공주 : Oh, yes! Thank you.(사과를 베어 물고 쓰러지며) Ahh.여왕 : Hahaha.10▶주요표현을 확실히 습득 ... .여왕 : Here you are.백설 공주 : Thank you.④ 여왕 : Do you like apples?백설 공주 : Oh, yes! Thank you◎ LET'S ... what we have learned from Lesson 1 to Lesson 6. Goodbye.S. We are firstS1. Do you like apples?S2
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2023.01.09
  • 초등 영어 6학년 수업지도안 'what would you like?'
    would you like?2. I’d like a .3. How’s your food?4. It’s .◎Let’s do a role play. Now Let’s talk with ... UnitLesson2Period1/6차시TextbookYBM 24-31pTitleWhat would you like?Grade6학년Objectives· Students will ... .KeyExpressionsA: What would you like?B: I’d like a vegetable curry please.A: How’s your food?B: It’s salty
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.12.31
  • 초등 영어 수업 시나리오
    . Listen to the story.There was an egg on a leaf. Caterpillar comes out.Do you like apples? Yes, I do. I ... like apples.Please go ahead. Help yourself. Thank you.Mmm, It's sweet. Do you want some more? Yes ... 2016학년도 open class scenario(40분) 2:10 - 2:50 PM판서 계획6. Help yourself(5/6) 104pageobjective> Do you
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2021.05.14
  • 각종 영어활동에 필요한 교실영어_임용2차
    you go to bed?ㆍWhat do you want to do?ㆍWould you like to come to my house?ㆍCongratulations!교실영어T ... .Work in groups, please.Find out what your group members want to do this Sunday.You can say like this ... pictures by asking and answering each other.Can you do it??S1 : where`s the apple??S2 : It`s on the
    리포트 | 11페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2021.01.25 | 수정일 2021.01.26
  • 1주차부터 11주차까지 강의 주제와 관련하여 그 중에서 한 가지 혹은 그 이상을 골라서 자신의 이야기에 비추어, 외국인 친구와 묻고 답하는 대화문을 만들어 제출하세요.
    karaoke, I will sing for you. By the way What type of music do you like?B : I like dance music which ... about them. Why do you like them?B : They sing love songs which make me happy.A : Oh! so you like them ... singer?A : I like Sung sikyeong the most. Do you know Sung shikyeong?B : Yes, I know him. He is very
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  • 초등 영어 수업 시나리오 서식(백설공주 이야기)
    : Seven oranges, please.여왕 : Here you are백설 공주 : Thank you여왕 : Do you like apples?백설 공주 : Oh,yes ... you like apple?Yes, I like apple.Do you like pear?No, I don't like pear.Do you like pizza?Yes, I like ... listen to the story.백설공주 : Do you like pears?난쟁이 1 : No, I don't like pears. I like oranges.백설공주
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2021.05.14
  • 4년차 영어강사의 영어회화 수업 자료_8번째 수업
    ?2. Do you personally use a wearable device, like Apple Watch? Why or why not?3. Do you have social ... heck your phone?Discussion 1 – related to the topic1. Do you worry about how your data is being used ... media(Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)? If so, what kind of content do you post?4. Generally do
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  • 좋아하거나 싫어하는 음식을 묻고 답하는 말하기, 2015개정 초등 3학년 영어과 지도안
    는지 영어로 물어볼까요?Sn, Do you like apples?Set upObjectivesT, Excellent. 이번 시간에는 좋아하거나 싫어하는 음식을 묻고 답하는 말을 배워볼 거 ... 영어과 교수?학습 과정안일 시년 월 일 ( 요일) 교시장 소3 - 교실단 원4. Do you like pizza?학습주제좋아하거나 싫어하는 음식을 묻고 답하는 말하기 (2/4)대 ... and Listen- 좋아하거나 싫어하는 음식을 묻고 답하는 표현 듣고 이해하기?Listen and Speak- 주요 표현 듣고 말하기?Chant- ‘Do You Like Kiwis
    리포트 | 7페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.12.26
  • 독서 & 글쓰기 꿀팁
    /apple? 요거트/빵/사과 먹고싶니?Would you like to have some juice or milk? 주스나 우유 마실래?Breakfast is ready! 아침 준비 ... ]이 매우 효과적이라고 합니다.6. 엄마표 영어 표현What do you want for breakfast? 아침으로 뭐 먹고싶니?Do you want yogurt/bread ... 먹을 때)Just take one more bite. 한 입만 더 먹자.Are you finished? 다 먹었니?You are almost done! 거의 다 먹었구나.Do
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  • 영미문학과 영어교육-Making my own poem
    walks at the parkwith your apple-in-the-eye puppy, Cookie.You would stay home on the weekendenjoying the ... I know you cannot let things go easily.You like it when everything is perfect.But at the same time ... have studied.You are just a playful teenagerwho likes dancing and running,not sitting at the academy
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  • [보고서]대학 영어동아리 활동보고서(영문)
    . Because they are likely to eat this stuff, you should pay attention to your use while you are with c ... ,000 wonA TARGETMARKETLoyal customer of APPLE1-1. An origin ideaNowadays, many people use wireless ... put it anywhere like a sponge. In addition, the best advantage is that it sticks well anywhere
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  • Ted golden circle 해설
    to do business with people who believe what you believe.이것이 이 강연장에 있는 각 개인이 왜 애플사로부터 완전히 만족하면서 컴퓨터 ... How do you explain when things don't go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are ... 에 상관없이, 모두생각하고, 행동하며, 소통합니다. 내부에서 부터 바깥쪽으로..Let me give you an example. I use Apple because they're easy
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  • 공동체 언어 학습법 대본 A+
    topic. Anyone has idea?A: (학생들을 보며) Do you guys have good idea?B: Halloween day is coming. What ... 님을 보며 동의를 구한다.)선생님: That's right. Good job. Then, what do you do on Halloween?D: We make Jack O ... : We can see a lot of black and orange colors on Halloween. (녹음)D: Do you have any plans for Halloween
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  • 영어의 일관성과 응집
    ) You're quite safe you're doing the right thing, aren't you?Because I wouldn't like to see you make ... 부분을 지시하는 데만 관심을 두고 살펴보기로 한다. 그러면 응집적 지시를 하는 예를 살펴보자.(3) Do you see that girl over there?She is my ... ooking apples. Put the apples into a fireproof dish.여기에서 응집성을 갖고 기능을 발휘하는 항목은 the apples 인데 apples란
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  • 중요문법사항
    + 동사원형 e.g ) I do not like spiders. He does not have his own studio. We did not finish our homework yet ... Be 동사 및 조동사 + 주어 (S) + 동사원형 ? e.g ) Is he handsome? Can you speak English? 2) 일반동사 : do, does(3, 단 ... , 현 ) ,did ( 과거 ) + 주어 (S) + 동사원형 e.g ) Do you have a pencil? Does she study English everyday? Did
    리포트 | 23페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2021.05.26
  • 영어스피킹을위한 어법정리 -08 대명사 [Pronoun]
    like the green ones.?Don't buy those apples. Buy the other ones.Some □ ones?These cups are dirty.Can ... English _So do I / I do, too / Me, too?I don't like English _Neither do I / I don't either. / Me ... good.(두명)[none_숫자 vs no one(nobody)_사람]?How many / How much 의 대답으로 None.=How much money do you have? Nonown.
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  • standford commencement speech
    to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents' garage when I was 20. We worked hard ... what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you ... you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So
    시험자료 | 4페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2023.12.29
  • Vinegar
    Is staying healthy an important issue in your life? Do you skip meals to keep your body slender ... ? Then drink apple cider vinegar instead! It is better than a strict diet program that leaves you hungry ... vinegar with a glass of water. Also add some honey if you don't like the sour taste. However, avoid
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2023.12.30
  • How to make the best use of your apple watch Informative presentation script
    [Introduction]If you are a user of iphone, ipad, airpods or anything from apple give me a hands up ... . If you are an apple user, especially if you are an iphone user, you would probably have considered ... ’ app in your iphone. Then, your apple watch will remind you of your bedtime and give you wake up calls
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2021.01.11
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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