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EasyAI “Standards on fishing vess..” 관련 자료
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"Standards on fishing vessels'accommodation" 검색결과 1-8 / 8건

  • ILO어선원노동협약과 어선법의 어선거주설비에 대한 고찰
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    논문 | 10페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2023.04.05
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    the V (Rules on Pollution Prevention by Vessel Disposal) attached to the Marine Pollution Prevention ... Hamburg, Germany in 2017. In addition, through UNEP's global partnership on marine waste, a ... -In January 2016, the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation published a report on
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,500원 | 등록일 2021.04.02
  • 그랜드 하얏트 서울 Room
    Seoul has a total of 601 rooms and consists of Standard, View, Deluxe, Pure, Grand Club and Suite ... providing guests with separate elevator keys when checking in. In the Grand Club Lounge located on ... Executive Suite and the Grand Suite King.▪Standard· 28 ~ 300,000 won range· Grand King, Grand Queen
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  • [고용노동부] 표준근로계약서(농업ㆍ축산업ㆍ어업 분야)(Standard Labor Contract(For Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery Sectors))
    ■ 외국인근로자의 고용 등에 관한 법률 시행규칙 [별지 제6호의2서식] 표준근로계약서(농업ㆍ축산업ㆍ어업 분야)Standard Labor Contract(For ... eloyment of those who re-entered through the committed workers’ system will commence on their first ... day of work as stipulated in Article 18-4 (1) of Act on Foreign Workers` Employment, etc.2. 근로장소※ 근로
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  • 표준근로계약서 + 양식6종
    : _____.), [ ] Not included※ The employment term for newcomers and re-entering employees will begin on their date ... ’ system will commence on their first day of work as stipulated in Article 18-4 (1) of Act on Foreign ... of accommodation- Provision of accommodation: [ ]Provided, [ ]Not provided(If provided, type of
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  • 교육과정 김영천 기말프로젝트
    of this record we have a better understanding of how they lived. We know that the Koi fish is often ... represented in the artwork from Asia. Aboriginal artists painted simple shapes and dots on their ... above. The patterns can be found on many different types of artwork from the cultures. Examples could
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  • 조선기술용어집
    Accessibility 접근의 난이도Accessory 부속품(附屬品)Accident Prevention 사고 방지(事故防止)Accommodation (Accom.) 거주 설비 ... Accommodation Ladder 현측(舷側) 사다리Accommodation Space 거주구역(居住區域)Accounting System 회계 제도ACCU(Automatic ... )Concentrate on Problem Solution 문제해결 집중Concentrated Load 집중 하중(集中荷重)Concentration of Stress 응력 집중(應力集中
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  • [조선해양] IMO에 대한 조사 (선박의장)
    위원회(Sub-Committee on Stability and Loadlines and Fishing Vessels Safety : SLF)바. 방화소위원회(Sub-Committee ... ommunication and Search and Rescue : COMSAR)다. 선원훈련 및 당직기준 소위원회(Sub-Committee on Standard of Training and ... (Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation : NAV)나. 무선통신, 수색 및 구조 소위원회(Sub-Committee on Radio c
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  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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