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미국 역사학 리서치페이퍼


Last of the Gentry
Andrew Jackson and the Common Man
Indian policies
The Missouri Compromise
Common man’s time or bust
Works Cited


This report focuses on a period of American history between the years of 1820 and 1840. This period of time was just after what historians have labeled as the Era of Good Feelings because the nation had been consumed with the recovery of the War of 1812 which lead to a truly nationalistic sense of values and togetherness. Not to be out done, the period between 1820 and 1840 also had its own unique label. The period was known as the Era of the Common Man or as a time that was presided over by Andrew Jackson who was known as the President of the Common Man. This report therefore tries to present some of the characteristics of the era and examine events of the time to verify or contradict the label. In other words, based on the evidence, was it appropriate to call this period the Era of the Common Man and why or why not?

Last of the Gentry

The nation was founded on the motivations and desires of the revolutionaries who fought for the Republic. The original political spectrum that was the foundation of our nation was based on a ‘gentry’ style of politics. “The American sense of obligation is exemplified in the development during the Middle Period of an almost obsessive concern with the historic patterns of American politics. During the 1830s and 1840s, political partisans of every hue appealed to the history of American political parties to influence contemporary political choices by relating them to the choices made by the generation of 1776, or that of 1800. (Welter 26)
This particular gentry’s brand of leadership made its last stand in the elections of 1824. “The demise of this system came about when Andrew Jackson lost his initial bid for the Presidency. One of four candidates chosen by congressional caucus, and running as a war hero after his victory in the Battle of New Orleans, Jackson led the other three in popular and electoral votes, but lacked a clear majority. The election went to the House of Representatives and John Quincy Adams became President in 1824.” (Brulatour, Meg)

참고 자료

Works Cited
Brulatour, Meg. Transcendental Ideas: Reform: Social and Political Changes in the Time of Emerson and Thoreau: The 19th Century at a Glance. Ed. Meg Brulatour. VCU. Retrieved on 21 Nov. 2004, from <http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/ideas/reformback.html>.
Lorence, James J. Enduring Voices: To 1877 The Enduring Voices, A History Of The American People. 4th ed., vol. 1. ADD CITY: Houghton Mifflin Company, ADD YEAR.
Pessen, Edward. The Many-Faceted Jacksonian Era: New Interpretations. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1977.
Welter, Rush. The Mind of America, 1820-1860. New York: Columbia U P, 1975.
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