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The immigration history of Hispanics and the differences

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


히스패닉 이민의 역사에 관한 내용, 5장, Essay 형식으로 되어있음. A+ 받았음




In the early nineteenth century, the population of Hispanics was less than 500,000. Until the middle of twentieth century, they only lived in the southern region. However, now Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic group in United States and they are seen everywhere in the US. Also, the population of Hispanics ranks the second top right below that of European-American. As of 2000, the population of Hispanics grew more than 4 millions accounting for 12.5% of the whole population. Between 1980 and 2000, 40% of the increment of the US population was Hispanics. According to the US Bureau of Census, one out of five in US population will be Hispanic in 2030 and even in 2050, the population of Hispanics will account for the quarter of the whole population. Without speaking Spanish, they are quite different in many ways such as the way of assimilation to the society and the socio-economic background. Their racial traits are also diverse as whites, blacks, American-Indians and the mixed. Some of them have lived in the southern region since the War between the US and Mexico in 1848 but many of them are the immigrants since World War II in 1980s.

참고 자료

미국이민 이야기, 계창호, 미주개척 출판사, 2003
새뮤얼 헌팅턴의 미국, 새뮤얼 헌팅턴, 김영사, 2004
네트워크 혁명, 그 열림과 닫힘(지식기반사회의 비판과 대안), 홍성욱, 들녘, 2002
US Bureau of Census (www.census.gov)
Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life, Roger Daniels, Harper Perennial, 2002
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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