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[영어영문학](argument essay)여성의 지위

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여성의 지위에 관한 두가지 상반된 입장을 보이는 Argument essay 입니다.




Since the middle of 20th century, women have participated in the women’s liberation movement to get the freedom for women to have the equal social and economic rights as men. As a result, women’s status in society has changed a lot in the last 60 years such as they have opportunities for education and right to vote. In addition, women are not satisfied with their traditional roles as housewives and mothers any longer so they have been pursuing new roles like working women. There is a controversy surrounding the change of women’s role. Many people believe that the position of women has risen. At the same time, some people would argue that. It has just increased the demands on women and thus the position of women has not changed in good way. Actually, the improvement in women’s position seem to be true in a superficial way, however, it has not really changed for the better, particularly in terms of three areas of society: in the workplace; in the household and in the government.

참고 자료

- Makihara. K, 1990,”who needs Equality?” Time, summer, pp52-53
- Osman. M.A, 2000, “Should a woman work outside the home” in the process of composition, ed.Reid.J.M. prentice hall regents New York, pp159-161
- Tyagi. A.W, 2004, “Why women have to work”, Time, March 22, p56
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[영어영문학](argument essay)여성의 지위
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