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(영어 레포트) 맥도날드 마케팅 전략 (Hospitality Marketing)

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13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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호주 그리피스 대학교(Griffith University)
Hospitality Marketing 수업 기말 레포트 입니다.

주제는 Marketing strategy for Mc Donald’s
맥도날드 마케팅 전략에 대해 작성되었습니다.

그리피스 대학교 재학 중 작성했던 레포트입니다.
학교웹사이트 복제 검열 프로그램 확인 10% 이하 내용들입니다.
똑같이 하지 마시고 참조 후 수정하여 제출하세요!


1.0 Introduction

2.0 SWOT Analysis

3.0 Macro and Micro Environments
- 3.1 Destination and Globally
- 3.2 Competition4
- 3.3 Employees

4.0 Inside Analysis

5.0 Market Strategy
- 5.1 The SWOT in McDonald’s
- 5.2 Target market in McDonald’s
- 5.3 Market strategy of children
- 5.4 Market strategy of diet people

6.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

7. Reference List


1.0 Introduction
As people know, Mc Donald’s is one of popular fast food restaurant all over the world. It is the top worldwide foodservice retailer and 52 million customers are served by more than 30,000 local restaurants in more than 100 countries everyday. The first Mc Donald’s restaurant was opened in 1948 in San Bernardino, California. A year later, owners Dick and Mac McDonald signed a franchise agreement with Ray Kroc, and it was the beginning to be global company. Television ads were shown in 1968 and the Big Mac, which is loved by people, was introduced to public and 1000th restaurant was opened two year later. In addition, health has been focused by Mc Donald’s and they had growth of improvement since 2003 because of introduction of healthier menu fare. Moreover they made a slogan “I’m Lovin’ it” to do global branding campaign. As a result sale progress had increased. Mc Donald’s plan to win is strategic concentrate on being better, not just bigger. Mc Donald’s best ambassadors are people, so they encourage their 1.6 million employees to be system wide dedicated to serve customers. Mc Donald sold 540 million of snack wraps in 2007. They try to add innovative food for their future. 24,500 of Mc Donald’s restaurant provide extended open time and 24hour service for customer’s convenience and they have communicated with customer to have great pleasures at small prices to make satisfaction of customer. Therefore 1 billion more customers visited Mc Donald’s in 2007 than in 2006. Moreover Mc Donald’s used licensed characters to sell with tie in method for children.

참고 자료

Anonymous. (2005). McDonald’s and healthy eating. Strategic Direction, 21, 9-12. Retrieved May 1, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database.
Arndt, M. (2004). McDonald’s: fries with that salad. Business week, 82 Retrieved May 2, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database.
Bakalar, N. (2007). If it says McDonald’s, then it must be good. New York Times. F7. Retrieved May 1, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database.
Darken, N. (2008). McDonald’s ‘The great escape’. Marketing. 23. Retrieved May 11, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database.
Dylan, W. (2007). Small business, big marketing. Retrieved May 11, 2008 from
Eaglen, A., & Lashley, C., & Thomas, R. (2000). The benefits of training in leisure retailing: a case study of McDonald’s restaurants. Strategic change, 333. Retrieved May 11, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database..
MaDonald’s coporation. (2008) McDonald’s corporation 2007 annual report. Retrieved May 3, 2008, from http://www.mcdonalds.com/corp/invest/pub/2007_annual_report.html
Mullen, R. (2006). Is McDonald’s still lovin’ it?. Caterer & Hotelkeeper. 196(4427). P.11 Retrieved May 11, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database..
Sheehan, M. (2006). McDonalds in crisis: a comparative analysis in a national organizational context. Competition forum. 4.221-228
Thomadsen, R. (2007). Product positioning and competition: the role of location in the fast food industry. Marketing Science. 26. 792-806
Warner, M. (2005) You want any fruit with that Big Mac. New York Times, 3.1 Retrieved May 2, 2008, from ProQuest multiple database.
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