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quality of education in nepal. focusing on teacher quality in primary school

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"quality of education in nepal. focusing on teacher quality in primary school"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Quality issues in primary school in Nepal
1) What is quality of education and how it is measured?
2) Why teacher quality is important?
3) Current status of Quality in primary education and teacher quality in Nepal

3. Conceptual framework for teacher quality

4. Assessment of teacher quality through the lens of Quality Framework

5. Inputs: qualifications
1) Lack of trained teachers affecting the quality of education

6. Process: management and practice in classroom
1) Problems with teaching methods in the Nepalese public schools
2) Poor teacher management systems in primary schools

7. Outcome: teacher effectiveness and student outcome
1) The relationship between teacher effectiveness and student achievement in primary schools

8. Conclusion


Nepal has experienced remarkable paradigm shifts of education over the last several years. ‘Access to education’ which is one of the most important national agendas was formed between the 1950s and 1990s and it has been changed from ‘access to education’ to ‘quality of education’ since 1990 (Koirala et al, 2013).
Before the 1950s, education was only for the privileged classes thereby it was limited for other people. In 1971, the Nepalese government introduced a new education system plan that increased school enrolment and access to basic education (Bhatta, 2008). However, during the expansion of the school enrolment and access to primary education agenda, the Nepalese government policy considered an increase in the number of schools. As a result, there were untrained and unqualified teachers including those teaching in primary schools (Government of Nepal, 2009). Hence, ‘the quality of education’ agenda has taken place since the 1990s (Koirala et al, 2013).

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