[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트] Identification of Escherichia coli _ Qualitative/Quantitative analysis of Escherichia coli.
- 최초 등록일
- 2021.01.05
- 최종 저작일
- 2011.04
- 9페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 2,000원
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1. Title
2. Date
3. Purpose
4. Materials and Equipment
5. Method
6. Data
7. Result and Discussion
8. Reference
3. Purpose
① Qualitative/Quantitative analysis of Escherichia coli.
② To determine between coliform and E. coli.
<중 략>
5. Method
- Presumed test -
① Insert Durham tube upside down in a LTB test tube.
② Aseptically transfer 1ml of the broth culture (E. coli) to the LTB.
③ Incubate the tube at 36°C for 24 to 48 hours.
④ Record your result.
⇒Gas will be formed in durham tube by E.coli.
* Before inserting the durham tube in LTB test tube, Practice enough not to enter the air gap in the durham tube using the tap water.
* Durham tube in the test tube should not have any air gap. If the air gap occurs inside Durham tube, Test tube covered with the lid upside down to remove air gap. or use autoclave.
* If the gas is generated too small amount to observe after incubation, Wait one more day. More gas would be generated.
참고 자료
4 people in addition to Ahn-Byeong-Yong, 2004, Food microbiology Experiment, Seock-Hak-Dang, pp131~141, 168~170, 282
Kim-hyun-wook, 1988, dairy and food microbiology experiment, Yu-Han-Culture, pp16, 35~39, 69~71, 75~77
Microbe Library http://archive.microbelibrary.org/ASMOnly/details.asp?id=2553&Lang=
Wikipedia Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Naver Encyclopedia http://100.naver.com/
Mesa Community College http://www.mesacc.edu/~johnson/labtools/Dbiochem/emb.html