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Dark Ages Essay Writing

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Why is the Middle Ages Called ‘The Dark Ages’?
We need to know that the Dark Age is not such a dark age. It is problematic to regard the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages because it was used to praise ancient civilizations and condemn medieval cultures. Petrarch, an Italian scholar and poet who introduced the concept of Dark Age, and humanists who first used the term the ‘Dark Ages’ regretted the decline of Rome. Moreover, they wanted to return to the brilliant past through classical research. Because it is such a biased term, some later historians have even tried to counter this perception. Also, modern historians try not to use this term. Therefore, we need to know the process of the creation of this term and avoid the use of this term.

참고 자료

Chang, C. C. (2013). Extension of New Perspective and Intensifying of Research Results: Centering around the Medieval Studies of 2011~2012, pp.10-15.
Charles, H. (1927). The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Boston: Harvard University Press, pp.100-140.
Christoph, C. (1688). Historia medii aevi a temporibus Constantini Magni ad Constantinopolim a Turcis captam deducta cum notis perpetuis ac tabulis synopticis, pp.120-150.
“Dark Age.” Britannica Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, 2019, http://academic.eb.com.ssl.oca.korea.ac.kr/levels/collegiate/search/dictionary?query=dark%20age&includeLevelThree=1&page=1
Dicesare, J. (2019). Illuminating the Dark Ages: foundations for the European enlightenment of liberty i Illuminating the Dark Ages: foundations for the European enlightenment of liberty.
Francesco, P. (1570). Africa, pp.10-400.
Henri, P. (1927). Medieval Cities: Their Origins and the Revival of Trade. United states, pp.120-150.
Jacob, C. B. (1860). Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien., pp.110-160.
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