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정부 다문화 정책의 문제점 (영문)

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9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅱ. Problems of policy of government
Ⅲ. Solution and alternative policy for government


In third-quarter of 2018, birthrate of Korea falls to 0.95 per 100,000 people. Despite of government's efforts of overcoming this crisis, birthrate of Korea still decreases and makes lack of national's labor powers. Not only the global trends of 'Borderless society' but also the labor power from developing countries such as China and Vietnam show us that rate of foreign residents in Korea is increasing. In 2016, foreign residents in korea exceed 2 million and foreign residents will be approximately 3 million in 2021 according to the Korea Research Institute for Human settlement.

Number of immigrants are also increasing through marriage or descendents of Korean immigrants. According to the report in 2017 of National Statistical Office, number of marriage immigrants increases 152,374 peoples in 2016 from 25,182 peoples in 2001. For 15 years, marriage immigrants increases 6.1 times and their number of children increases to 99,000 in 2016 which accounts for 2% of whole students.

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