reading skills assessment
- 최초 등록일
- 2017.08.13
- 최종 저작일
- 2017.04
- 16페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 3,500원
Language testing and assessment라는 과목의 reading skills assessment 입니다. 시드니대학교 TESOL 석사학위 중 과목이며 이 페이퍼는 HD(High distinction)(A+정도) 받은 paper입니다. 감사합니다
1. Background
2. Purpose of the Test
3. Test Takers
4. Skills to be Assessed
5. Test Sections
6. Testing and Assessment Techniques
7. Scoring Procedure
8. Test Administration
9. Validity, reliability and fairness
10. Test Specifications
11. Example of the Test
12. Reflection
13. References
The creation of this test observes the three key steps involved to derive its usefulness and meaning. The steps are outlined by Douglas (2010) as conducting a needs analysis, test development, and test administration. In the needs analysis, the purpose of the test, the test takers and their characteristics, the language use as well as the specific skills assessed as defined. This is followed by the identification of the content specifics of the test which consequently determine the sections, length and duration of the test. Additionally, the test administration characteristics such as the test environment, scoring procedures and personnel to be involved are determined. Most importantly, the test developed should pass the validity, fairness and reliability tests so as to achieve the desired goal.
Purpose of the Test
The reading test is a summative test which is taken at the end of the course. It is an achievement test which assesses the student uptake and comprehension levels following the completion of the course according to the guidelines and objectives.
참고 자료
Coniam, D. & Falvey, P. (2013). Ten years on: The Hong Kong Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English (LPATE). Language Testing 30(1). The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Pp 147 –155. DOI: 10.1177/0*************85
Douglas, D. (2010). Understanding language testing. London, UK: Hodder Education.
Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2006). The International Critical Thinking Reading and Writing Test: How To Assess Close Reading and Substantive Writing (2Ed). The Foundation For Critical Thinking