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ASOS 기업 정리과제 (영어)

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23페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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아수스에 전반적인 기업 소개&경영전략 분석 레포트 입니다.
싱가폴 비즈니스 대학에서 조별과제로 제출했던 것으로 영어로 작성되있습니다.


1 Executive Summary

2 Industry Analysis
1) Apparel Industry Supply Chain
2) Porter's 5 Forces of the Apparel Retail Industry
3) Different Channels of Apparel Retail

3 Company Analysis of ASOS Plc
1) About Asos
2) Competitors’ Analysis
3) ASOS Financial Performance
4) ASOS Value Proposition: Driver for Past Success

4 ASOS’s Strategic Flaws
1) Inconsistencies in the Who-What-How model
2) ASOS’s Lack of Core Competency
3) Shift in Value Proposition

5 Problems for the Future
1) Changing Landscape of the Retailing Industry
2) The Future of ASOS’s Private Label

6. Conclusion



ASOS is an online fashion retailer operating primarily in the United Kingdom, the United States, and rest of European Union. ASOS, founded in 2000, is based in London and it offers approximately 50,000 branded and own labelproduct lines, including women’s wear, men’s wear,footwear, accessories and jewellery through its websiteasos.com. ASOS attracts over 17.5 million unique visitors amonth and as at 31 March 2012 had 7.95 million registeredusers and 4.38 million active customers from 160countries.

<중 략>

The success of ASOS was initially due to the early adoption of
online retailing to promote third-party branded apparel for a cheaper price than what consumers would normally pay. However, the industry landscape is changing and is working against ASOS’s favour. ASOS is losing its first mover advantage in the e-tailing space. With the rise of internet usage and adoption of e-commerce in developed economies,online retailing has became a new platform where consumers can purchase their desired goods. Hence, retailers are taking advantage of this new channel to create its own online presence, including an online website for retailing.

참고 자료

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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