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디즈니랜드파리로 알아본 문화를 고려한 경영방침(영어로 제작됨)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Disneyland paris 건설을 기획하여 디즈니랜드 본사가 신중히 고려하지 못했던
문화차이로 인하여 발생된 결과와 그 이유.


1. Facts prerequisites to have a good understanding of the case
2. What are intercultural communication competencies?
3. How does/did cultural patterns affect operations?
4. How does/did cultural identity and bias influence the turnover ?
5. How did coding affect the intercultural communication?
6. How did the interpersonal relationships play an important role in Disney’s failure?


Founded in 1923, the Walt Disney Company has first opened two theme parks in Florida and in California, in the United States. Built on the idea of an ideal world, it has directly been a great success. Indeed, Disney offered a world far from ugliness, boredom and stress, where families could escape from everyday life and its troubles. As a result, the company decided to export the concept in Japan in 1983. Without changing the concept and following the precedent methods used, the park was and is still very successful.
Then came the question of Europe. During the 80’s and 90’s, European people spent around 2 billion dollars per year in Disney products and an average of 3 millions of European people visited each year one of the two American Disney park. The potential was here. After few hesitations and inspired by the great European success of the American company Mc Donald, Disney finally chose to settle in France. The country offered a central position in Europe. The high rate of unemployment indicated to Disney that it would be easy to find and hire employees.

참고 자료

Intercultural Competence, by Maron W.Lustig & Jolene Koester

Gumbel & Turner, 1994

Adekola, A., & Sergi, B. S. (2007). Global business management. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Fielding, L. (2008). Before the killing fields: Witness to Cambodia and the Vietnam War.
London: I. B. Tauris.

Robertson, R. (2007). Glocalization. In R. Robertson & J. A. Scholte (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of globalization (pp. 524-552). New York: Routledge
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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디즈니랜드파리로 알아본 문화를 고려한 경영방침(영어로 제작됨)
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