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Average lifespan around the world

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Why do people live longer?


How to Increase Your Life Expectancy

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The average Japanese women can expect to live to be 84.
The average Botswanan will reach just 39.
Life-span variation over time
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Life Expectancy
With 82 years Japan has the highest life expectancy. All 35 countries
at the bottom of this list arelocated in sub-Saharan Africa; their
citizen`saverage life expectancy is between 52 and 39 years.
citizen`saverage life expectancy is between 52 and 39 years. variations
There are great variations in life
expectancy worldwide, mostly caused by:
differences in public health
medical care and diet
Much of the excess mortality (higher
death rates) in poorer nations is due to:
diseases (AIDS, Malaria, etc.)
mortality rates
mortality ratesInfluence of disabilities
In the western world, people with a serious mental illness die on average 25 years earlier than the rest of the population.
There is no objective test for mental illness, yet studies show the evidence of the increasingly earlier death of those diagnosed mentally ill.
Mental illnesses include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.
Mental illnesses include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.Gender differences
babies are conceived at a ratio of about 124 males to 100 females, but the ratio of those surviving to birth is only 105 males to 100 females). Among the smallest premature babies (those under 2 pounds or 900 g) females again have a higher survival rate.
About 90% of individuals aged 110 are female.

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