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Beauty of Poe’s Poems

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Edgar Allan Poe 의 시 Annabel Lee를 분석한 레포트 입니다.

Poe 의 시적 신념을 바탕으로 분석하기 위해, The Poetic Principle 그리고 The Philosophy of Composition 또한 동시에 분석 하였습니다.




As one of the most prominent writers in America, Edgar Allen Poe made a significant contribution to the development of American literature by composing many of great works. Today Poe is well-known by many people mainly for his special talents on writing mysterious and grotesque stories such as “the Fall of House of Usher”, but he was also one of the greatest poets, and sharpest critics at his time. It is not difficult for his readers to find that his miserable life and interests in romanticism are enormously reflected in many works. Poe’s unstable mental condition mainly caused by many loses of loved ones in his life may play a role to make his works more condensed with sadness and horror. As a leading Romantic writer, however, many of Poe’s works, especially poems, bear a pursuit of beauty expressed in elaborate words. Based on these factors, Annabel Lee, one of Poe’s most famous poems, can be the best example to prove the beauty of his poems for its similarity with his life and beautiful images in it.

참고 자료

[1] Michael J. Cummings (2005) http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/
[2]Poe, Edgar Allen. (1849) “Annabel Lee”
[3] Poe, Edgar Allen. (April 1846) “The Philosophy of Composition”, Graham’s Magazine
[4] Poe, Edgar Allen. (August 31, 1850) “The Poetic Principle”, Home Journal
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