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물의 수면파 속도와 파장

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


It is prominently known that the phase velocity of the wave is dependent only on the property of the propagating medium and independent of the driving frequency. However, since relatively complex physical phenomena are related to the shallow water wave, it is proved by a French scientist D`Alembert that the phase velocity does depend on the driving frequency. We pursue to confirm his prediction of the nature of the phase velocity of the water surface wave by measuring wavelength of the variety of driving frequencies


Ⅰ. Preface
1. Background and Intention

Ⅱ. Theory
1. The Wavelength Dependency of the Water Surface Wave

Ⅲ. Equipment Used

Ⅳ. Procedure
1. Experiment 1 : Water Surface Wave Velocity and Wavelength

Ⅴ. Result and Analysis
1. Experiment 1 : Water Surface Wave Velocity and Wavelength

Ⅵ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Preface
1. Background and Intention
It is prominently known that the phase velocity of the wave is dependent only on the property of the propagating medium and independent of the driving frequency.However, since relatively complex physical phenomena are related to the shallow water wave, it is proved by a French scientist D`Alembert that the phase velocity does depend on the driving frequency. We pursue to confirm his prediction of the nature of the phase velocity of the water surface wave by measuring wavelength of the variety of driving frequencies.
Ⅱ. Theory
1. The Wavelength Dependency of the Water Surface Wave
D`Alembert, a French scientist at th

Within the water surface wave generated within a shallow water, the phase velocity was not independent of the driving frequency. In the experiment, the phase velocity depended on the wavelength according to the following equation, provided that represents the gravitational acceleration, denotes the wavelength, denotes the phase velocity of the wave and denotes the depth of the shallow water.


However, in the real experiment, the magnitude of the phase velocity tended to be much lower than that expected by the theory when the wavelength were increased. We owe the difference to the confining effect of the water source. Since the reflection wave propagates in the direction opposite of that of the original water surface wave.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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