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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 레포트 결과 6 Audio Amplifier Circuit Design

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최종 저작일
16페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


연세대학교 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 A+ 레포트


∙Power Supply for an Audio Amplifier
① Record the data and answer to the questions according to each step.
② Compare PSPICE simulation and actual result, and analyze them.
③ Compare the result of circuit and estimation, and explain those differences.
④ Discuss the method of getting better efficiency on AC/DC converter.
⑤ Answer to the questions for each procedure.
⑥ In PSPICE simulation, analyze Vout/Vin with Bode Plot in frequency domain according to following steps and graph its data.
⑦ Graph bode plot as controlling the switch of variable resistor in question 2, then verify if it matches with the result of qustion 1
토 의 사 항


① Record the data and answer to the questions according to each step.
- Graph Vout using oscilloscope(Check Max, Min )

Gragh of fig. 6 - 5 transformer circuit.

- Record Max/Min value of Vout.
Max : 19 V . Min : -19V

- Observe that Vout is not an exact sinusoidal wave, and think of the reason.
We expected a result to same form like input voltage, but the result was in shape of saw tooth. Voltage at the Mutual inductor is obtained by chaging of magnetic field. And it may not have efficiency of 100 percent we thought. This transformer is not an ideal transformer so, it is grant that we can`t get and exact sinusoidal wave because of magnetic flux leakage when flux flows to the coil. But we can see the form of output is almost same as sinusoidal wave.

- Measure the frequency of Vout, and analyze the reason.
It was the same as input of transformer. 60Hz. Mutual inductor in a transformer makes voltage by chaging of magnetic field. And chage of magnetic field per 1 sec is same to input that output also has 60Hz. In accuracy, there was about 2% of error (58.2 ~ 60.34 Hz) but, frequency of AC voltage is net and exactness value that we can say it is same as input in spite of little error.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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연세대 전기전자 기초실험 09년도 레포트 결과 6 Audio Amplifier Circuit Design 무료자료보기
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