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[영문] 영양유전체 관점에서 본 쓴맛 수용체와 음주 및 혈당 조절의 상관관계 분석

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"[영문] 영양유전체 관점에서 본 쓴맛 수용체와 음주 및 혈당 조절의 상관관계 분석"에 대한 내용입니다.




Tasting bitterness plays a fundamental role in shaping our preferences and behaviors. This taste decides the dislike of foods and drinks, differentiates the ingested nutrients, and is acted as a defense mechanism against a toxin or poisonous compounds. While it is certain that bitter taste warns and regulates potentially harmful food, individuals seem to respond differently about bitter foods. These non-identical responses may be triggered by a different amino acid sequence of people.
Typical food that contains bitterness would be alcohol. Alcoholic drinks’ basic flavor is constituted with bitterness regardless of its types such as beer, wine, and liquor. There is an assumption that the reason why individuals prefer alcoholic drinks differently is due to their different bitter flavor perception. Plus, this bitter flavor perception is assumed to be innately caused. This is because human infants and animals show a different preference for bitter taste foods.

참고 자료

Duffy VB, Davidson AC, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Speed WC, Pakstis AJ, Reed DR, Snyder DJ, Bartoshuk LM. Bitter receptor gene (TAS2R38), 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) bitterness and alcohol intake. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004 Nov;28(11):1629-37. doi: 10.1097/01.alc.0000145789.55183.d4. PMID: 15547448; PMCID: PMC1397913.
Dotson CD, Zhang L, Xu H, Shin YK, Vigues S, Ott SH, Elson AE, Choi HJ, Shaw H, Egan JM, Mitchell BD, Li X, Steinle NI, Munger SD. Bitter taste receptors influence glucose homeostasis. PLoS One. 2008;3(12):e3974. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003974. Epub 2008 Dec 18. PMID: 19092995; PMCID: PMC2597743.
Val Peacock., Thomas Shellhammer, editor, The international bitterness unit, its creation and what it measures., Hop Flavor and Aroma. Proceedings of the First International Brewers Symposium. , St. Paul, MN: Master Brewers Association of the Americas, 2009.
Identification of Novel Compounds for Human Bitter Taste Receptors, Mingfei Ji,Xubo Su,Xiaohong Su,Yingyi Chen,Wenkang Huang,Jian Zhang,Zhaobin Gao,Chuangang Li,Xuefeng Lu, 2014
Receptor Polymorphism and Genomic Structure Interact to Shape Bitter Taste Perception, Natacha Roudnitzky,Maik Behrens,Anika Engel,Susann Kohl,Sophie Thalmann,Sandra Hübner,Kristina Lossow,Stephen P. Wooding,Wolfgang Meyerhof, 2015
Blakeslee and Fox, 1932; Fox, 1932; Fischer, 1964
Blakeslee, 1932; Snyder, 1931
Beer Styles – IBU Chart Graph (Bitterness Range) | Brewer's Friend (brewersfriend.com) [2021.12.05 access]
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[영문] 영양유전체 관점에서 본 쓴맛 수용체와 음주 및 혈당 조절의 상관관계 분석
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