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わが國における高齡者の安全な 入浴に關する湯溫の檢討

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국노년학연구회 수록지정보 : 한국노년학연구 / 12권
저자명 : 長弘千惠․樗木晶子



한국어 초록

It is a common Japanese custom to enjoy a hot bathdaily and it is also well known that hot bathing has beenassociated with sudden death, especially in elders. Approximately13% of the sudden death cases in Japan occur during bathing.This number has been increasing with the aging of Japan’spopulation. One of the causes lies in the Japanese bathing style, inwhich the bath consists of a tub deep enough for the bather toimmerse the body up to the neck in very hot water when sitting,and in the fact that the temperature of bathrooms is quite low inwinter season. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to study thephysiological effects of hot bathing and to educate Japanesepeople on its safe ways. This article reviews the variable effectsof hot bath immersion on human bodies in order to introduce thesafe way of hot bathing. Yet the definite causes of those deathshave not been fully understood. Thus, we investigated the effectsof bathing on the elderly, especially regarding cardiopulmonaryfunctions. We studied 12 apparently healthy elderly volunteers(70±5yr). They bathed in different temperatures (41。C, 38。C)on separate days. In the 38。C bath immersion, none of thecardiopulmonary indices changed significantly. In contrast, the 41。C bath immersion significantly increased BR, PRP, and Ttymp,suggesting a higher bathing temperature may give more stress tothe cardiopulmonary system. Bathing in hot water affected elderlypeople with underlying diseases much more than healthy oryounger people.

영어 초록

It is a common Japanese custom to enjoy a hot bath
daily and it is also well known that hot bathing has been
associated with sudden death, especially in elders. Approximately
13% of the sudden death cases in Japan occur during bathing.
This number has been increasing with the aging of Japan’s
population. One of the causes lies in the Japanese bathing style, in
which the bath consists of a tub deep enough for the bather to
immerse the body up to the neck in very hot water when sitting,
and in the fact that the temperature of bathrooms is quite low in
winter season. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to study the
physiological effects of hot bathing and to educate Japanese
people on its safe ways. This article reviews the variable effects
of hot bath immersion on human bodies in order to introduce the
safe way of hot bathing. Yet the definite causes of those deaths
have not been fully understood. Thus, we investigated the effects
of bathing on the elderly, especially regarding cardiopulmonary
functions. We studied 12 apparently healthy elderly volunteers
(70±5yr). They bathed in different temperatures (41。C, 38。C)
on separate days. In the 38。C bath immersion, none of the
cardiopulmonary indices changed significantly. In contrast, the 41
。C bath immersion significantly increased BR, PRP, and Ttymp,
suggesting a higher bathing temperature may give more stress to
the cardiopulmonary system. Bathing in hot water affected elderly
people with underlying diseases much more than healthy or
younger people.

참고 자료



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わが國における高齡者の安全な 入浴に關する湯溫の檢討
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