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A Study on the Relationship between People and Government in the Era of American Military Rule - The Case of Jeju-do under Provincial Government of the United States Military in Korea

최초 등록일
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30페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 5권 / 3호
저자명 : Chang Hoon Ko

영어 초록

The purpose of this article is to observe some particular characteristics of relationships between Jeju-islanders and government in the era of American Military Rule (1945-1948). More specially, I am concerned with understanding of some aspects of special relationships of conflicts between people and government in Jeju island. In order to examine some characteristics of Jeju islanders’ attitude against the American Military Government, I try to concentrate more on the contexts of policy of American Military Government, examination of contents of policy making at local government level, types of policy-implementation through qualitative content analysis of articles of THE JEJU SHINBO ( only one newspaper in Jeju-do of that period). In using survey method, I am also explaining about why Jeju islanders support dissident groups rather than American Military Government : phenomena of Jeju islanders’ anti-government political orientation. I can learn about some aspects of relationships between people and American Military Government through my research of content analysis on articles of newspaper (the period of analysis : January 1, 1947- April 20, 1948). In the concrete, I have some propositions about relationships between people and government. 1. I can find some experiences common to Jeju islanders’ discontents against policy implementation of American Military Government among painful events which occurred under bad administration. For example, American military government prohibited people from participatingin anniversary meeting of March 1st Independence Movement Day without reason. At day, it was terrific that innocent 6 people had died by pistol shooting of military police force in March of 1947. From my analysis I confirm that hard-liner policy of American military government developed into bad administration that had restructured to support bureaucracy- centered society rather peopleoriented one. 2. I can find that hard-liner policy forming and unreasonable policy implementation had made Jeju islanders’ political orientation worse from pro-attitudes toward American Military Rule to antigovernment mode. I think that it is meaningful task to the extent how to explain anti- government movement of Jeju islanders’ by means of some aspects of conflict relationships between people and government in the policy forming and implementation processes. I concluded that policy direction of American had supported for the framework of anti-communism politics and militaryoriented pattern of organization culture in Jeju island. I think that it is meaningful for me to explain failure and dilemma of policy making in the era of American government that oppressed a peaceful higher expectation of autonomy and desire of Jeju islanders’ toward good administration for democratic nation building.

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A Study on the Relationship between People and Government in the Era of American Military Rule - The Case of Jeju-do under Provincial Government of the United States Military in Korea
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