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하이든과 드뷔시 시대 (고전&인상주의) 음악 비교A Comparative Analysis of Classical Music and Impressionistic Music of the 19th Century: Focused on Haydn’s Piano Sonata E-moll and Debussy’s Estampes

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고전시대 음악과 인상주의 시대 음악의 비교

하이든의 피아노 소나타 E moll 과 드뷔시의 Estampes를 중점으로 비교 고찰하여 두시대의 다른 음악적 기법 및 생성에 관한 음악 논문


1. 두 시대의 연구 목적과 개요
2. 고전주의
3. 인상주의
4. 하이든 음악의 성향
5. 드뷔시음악의 성향
6. 하이든 소나타 E moll(Hob.16:34) 과 드뷔시 Estampes의 비교 분석
7. 화성(Harmony)과 조성(Tonality)의 관계 -하이든, 드뷔시(스케일의 다양성)
8. 두시대의 페달링의 차이
9. 결론


A Comparative Analysis of Classical Music and Impressionistic Music of the 19th Century: Focused on Haydn’s Piano Sonata E-moll and Debussy’s Estampes
The reasons for comparing musical pieces of the Classical period and the Impressionist era (Debussy’s works, particularly) are firstly that the two are separated from each other by the presence of tonal music and that the Impressionist era played a leading role in the history of music as it laid a cornerstone in innovative changes of the harmonic system having been preserved since the Classical period. It will be interesting and meaningful to make comparison between the Classical music, which is composed entirely upon tonality, and the Impressionistic music, which features a vague tonality, as the initial step toward the Modern music, and features novel scales and harmonies that have never appeared before.
General Comparison between the Classical Period and the Impressionist Era

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탑툰 이벤트
하이든과 드뷔시 시대 (고전&인상주의) 음악 비교A Comparative Analysis of Classical Music and Impressionistic Music of the 19th Century: Focused on Haydn’s Piano Sonata E-moll and Debussy’s Estampes
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