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南塘 韓元震의

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
63페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 12,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 21권
저자명 : 崔錫起


Ⅰ. 머리말

한국어 초록

이 논문은 南塘 韓元震(1682-1751)의

영어 초록

This paper is an inquiry into the feature and significance in the abstraction from Nam-dang(南塘), Han, Won-jin's(韓元震, 1682-1751) [Dae-hak(大學)] interpretation. In this paper, I regarded the basic viewpoints of Nam-dang's [Dae-hak] interpretation as the fact that he criticized for the minor annotation(小註) in [Dae-jeon-bon(大全本)] which derived from Yul-gok(栗谷), Yi, Yi(李珥) and tried to set a widely-accepted notion after referencing various theories. The major points of Nam-dang's [Dae-hak] interpretation are as follows; 1. The interpretation upon 'Myeong-deok(明德)'․'Yuk-sa(六事)'․ 'Bon-mal-si-jong(本末始終)' in Gyeong-il-jang(經一章) 2. The related interpretation of Ji-eo-ji-seon-jang(止於至善章) with 'Ji-ji(知止)'․'Neung-deuk(能得)', and the interpretation the 4th and 5th paragraph to 'Ji-eo-ji-seon(止於至善)' in 'Myeong-myeong-deok(明明 德)'&'Sin-min(新民)' 3. The deep interpretation upon 'Bon-mal(本末)' in Cheong-song-jang (聽訟章) 4. The interpretation upon 'Ja-gi(自欺)' in 'Seong-eui-jang(誠意章)' 5. The interpretation that regarding 'Jeong-sim-jang(正心章)' as 'Ju-jeong-gong-bu(主靜工夫)' 6. The logical connection from 'Seong-eui-jang(誠意)'․'Jeong-sim-jang (正心章)' to 'Su-sin-jang(修身章)' 7. Regarding 'Je-ga-chi-guk-jang(齊家治國章)' as the construction of 'Chu(推)'․'Hwa(化)' 8. The demonstration of 'Hyeol-gu(絜矩)' in 'Chi-guk-pyeong-cheonha- jang(治國平天下章)' and its new partition. These were the Nam-dang's own advanced and deepened theories compared with Zhuxi(朱熹:1130-1200)s'. There were various theories like the results from the way of demonstrating Zhuxi's one or his own theory such as the partition of 10th paragraph. It can be called that Nam-dang's [Dae-hak] interpretation is one of the minutest interpretation. From this point of view, his interpretation can be evaluated that it has greatly contributed to the history of [Dae-hak] interpretation and occupied an important position.

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