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불멸화사람구강각화세포에서 사이클로스포린 A의 플라스미노겐 활성제 억제효과

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최종 저작일
8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한구강악안면병리학회 수록지정보 : 대한구강악안면병리학회지 / 35권 / 4호
저자명 : 이종헌


1. Cell Culture Condition
2. Cyclospoin A(CsA) Concentration
3. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays(ELISAs)

영어 초록

Plasminogen activators(PA) such as urokinase(uPA) and tissue type plasminogen activators(tPA), physiologically catalyze the conversion of the plasminogen to the wide spectrum proteinase plasmin. Because uPA and tPA are involved in cell growth, differentiation and migration of oral cancer, oral epithelial carcinogenesis including transformation of precancerous lesion into oral squamous cell carcinoma with PA is very interesting. It is important to prevent precancerous condition from transfoming into oral squamous cell carcinoma by the inhibitory effect of various drug. It is well known that cyclosporine A(CsA) as immunosuppressive properties exerts anti-cancer effects. Recently it is widely accepted that cultured immortalized oral keratinocyte (IHOK) is considered as an intermediate stage of oral carcinogenesis and used as precancerous condition in vitro. Thus it was thought that it might be interesting to investigate CsA effect on PA expression of IHOK. IHOK was cultured under KBM bullet kit at 37℃ under 95% CO2 incubator. Subconfluent IHOK cells was treated at different CsA concentration. uPA and tPA protein expression from cultured IHOK cell line has been detected by ELISA analysis in the CsA-treated samples. uPA expression of IHOK was higher than that of NHOK, while tPA was similar to that of NHOK. After CsA treatment, CsA might not effect the expression of uPA of IHOK, while showed a little effect on tPA of IHOK. It suggested that CsA had no effect in uPA expression of IHOK although uPA could be used as a marker for precancerous lesion.

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