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영화 속 캐릭터 특징에 따른 스타일 요소 연구 -영화배우 송강호, 설경구가 출연한 작품을 중심으로-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 복식문화학회 수록지정보 : 복식문화연구 / 18권 / 2호
저자명 : 강은미, 오인영

영어 초록

In this research, I compared and analyzed the ‘factors of style’ that expresses and visualizes the ‘characteristics of characters’ and the characters from three movies each that was filmed with Kang Ho Song and Keong Ku Seol who acted in many movies both. As the result, for the factors for actors’ makeup design, since they have limited choices of textures, colors, and the range of changes, changing the tone of skin to light to dark implied the images of characteristics. Somewhat dark skin tone that was like tanned skin expressed the life style of the character who works for an active profession not for an intellectual position. For the factors of hair style, medium sized wavy hair that goes straight down forehead expressed the character’s familiar and informal personality while short cut sized all back style hair expressed confidence, sociality, and logical personality of the character. The actors’ costume was important to express the characteristics of characters such as changes of their mind, especially the costumes delivered symbolic meanings of the role of their social class, profession, and their financial state. In addition, there were common factors to create and design a character in terms of the changes of the actors’ body shape; when the actor acted the character who has conflicts inside and sarcastic personality, they lost weight on purpose while they gained weight and made a barrel shaped body to act the character who is positive in every occasion and does not realize the real world or who is greed.

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영화 속 캐릭터 특징에 따른 스타일 요소 연구 -영화배우 송강호, 설경구가 출연한 작품을 중심으로-
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