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인도 박띠(Bhakti) 신앙에 대한 개혁주의 선교적 접근

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25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 26권
저자명 : 진기영

영어 초록

Christian population of Tamil Nadu and Kerala is between threefold and ten times higher than that of the rest of Indian states. A major reason is that these regions have become the epicenter of Bhakti movement roughly since 7 century AD. Hindu faith has been widely misconstrued by the outsiders or generalists as having impersonal multifarious Gods with no absolute dependence on God for their salvation. As it is partly true, it is also true that a majority Hindus believe personal monotheistic God with the salvation by faith. Dutch missionary scholar Johannes Bavinck, for example, pointed out that Bhakti concept of grace is totally different from that of Christian faith. The Bhakti faith is certainly different, and yet many common points can be located in the Bhakti literature which might be used as necessary contact points for missionary communication. According to soteriology of Southern school(Tengalais) of Bhakti faith, a kitten can be rescued only by yielding to its mother cat from the burning bushes just as Christians being saved only by the grace of God. Bhakti Gods are personal supreme Gods who demand their devotees an exclusive worship to themselves. Since the Bhakti Hindus found themselves as hopeless sinners, they repeat mantras and bathe into the holy rivers yearning for forgiveness. It is strikingly noteworthy in presenting Christian faith in relation to the indigenous faith and culture, although it is conflicting to Christian doctrines in many points. Korean reformed tradition is known to oppose the general revelation in the indigenous faith and culture. Yet what conflicts is not the reformed tradition, but the fundamentalist position in a strict sense. Although Bavinck supports the unique revelation in Christ, he does not necessarily deny the partial light or incomplete knowledge of God in non-Christian worlds as was given by God. Chai Eunsoo also acknowledges that Egyptian gold is also gold. Therefore, it should admit the function of common points between Bhakti faith and Christian faith as necessary starting points and ideas to present Christian gospel message to Bhakti Hindus, although differences should be carefully examined by specialists.

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