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35페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총



영어 초록

A great world map under the title of Honil Gangni Yeokdae
Gukdo Jido (short name: the Gangnido, or: the Kangnido) dra
wn in Chosŏn (Chosun), was found at the Nishi Honganji Tem
ple, Kyoto, in Japan a century ago. Researchers and experts i
n Britain, Japan and Germany set a high value on this ancien
t map. Scholars in Europe have hold even that both the know
ledge in global geography and the technology in drawing of th
e map had surpassed advanced European and Arabian mappi
ng level by a big margin. In1402, a small number of officials
of the Joseon Dynasty made the Gangnido which was analytica
lly composed of Map of the Extensive Civilized Area (Shengjia
o Guangpi Tu) by Li Zemin, Map of the Territory Amalgamate
d (Hunyi Jiangli Tu)by Qingjun, both them had been obtained
from China, and some supplements of geographical data cove
red Korea peninsula and Japan prepared by Korean scholars.
The emergence, travel and multiplication of the map in three
countries in the Far East were positive significant to transmis
sion of science and technology and raising of new world view
together with new culture view. Some theses to explore the G
angnidoand its source written by Mr. Qian Jian, his penname i
s Yulizi, has been published since 1985 before when there wa
s not any academic publication about the topic in China. With
a new visual field and independent ideas, this paper discusses
five subtopics as follows:
1. The Gangnido was not based on the Zhu Siben’s map so a judgment made by Joseph Needham was wrong, because the
latter did not formally include any foreign territory such as t
he lands to the Southeast of South China Sea and to the Nor
thwest of the Taklimakan Desert.
2. The reason why had the Gangnido reached a very highle
vel of charting performance was depended on its master copi
es to a large extent. The plotter Qingjun of the main one of t
hose copies had adopted a kind of projection which was simil
ar to the subsequent Mercator one and a dictyo-coordinate s
ystem composed of meridian lines and transverse lines to hyp
othetical acmes supported by advanced theory and technique
s. The cartographers of the Gangnidoshould calibrate diverse
maps, charts and other geographical features as source of th
e Gangnido with the coordinate system otherwise different loc
ations of same towns, manors, hills, rivers and borders from
variant even disparate atlas and manuscripts would be hardly
integrated into one acceptable map, although such a coordina
te net was not shown in the completed map Gangnido at last.
3. Map of the Territory Amalgamated (Hunyi Jiangli Tu) and
Amalgamated Map of the Great Ming Empire (Daming Hunyi T
u) were the referenced patterns but not the headstream of th
e Gangnido the two formers were derived from a common atl
as or just a map no matter how different in details there was
between the both. Why was the situation like that? The part o
f the reason is as follows, Eminent Monk Qingjun did not pos
sess enough geographical data and conditions to design and c
reate a great and meticulous world map.
4. The genuine forebear of the Gangnido should be the Col
oured Global Map (Caihua Dili Zongtu) which was drowned by
Iranian Jamal al-Din and denominated as the General Global Map (Tianxia Dili Zongtu) later.
5. In medieval times, there were some indirect and direct c
onnections in map cartographies of Korea and the remote reg
ion to the West of Cathay. The Gangnidoaccepted the achieve
ments of the Western cartographies and also employed the Ea
stern coordinate structure with four-acmes.
Historical facts demonstrated that Korean people in the cent
ral area of the North Pacific culture has the amazing capabili
ty to absorb alien cultures and make creation. This is an imp
ortant reason why the flourishing of the Korea civilization is s
o colorful, varied and resplendent.

참고 자료



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